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Evil Magma Peas or Couch Potato? Which do you prefer?

Aug 29, 2014
So I was in need of some mega snacks so I decided to start a garden. My garden is still small, but before expanding it, I want to know what the community thinks : Which is better, EMP or CP? I know that they both drop a mega snack at elder, but CP can only drop captain cantaloup, fancy yogurt and golden wheat bread. EMP can drop more than that, but are harder to get. So, which one should I go for and where can I get them?

-Aaron FrostTail

Jul 09, 2010
Well. CP used to drop pretty well at the Boar Camp in WT, just up the road from the commons area. Be sure you keep in mind the re-spawn rate and go in the early morning or VERY late at night.

This post tells where to get EMPs

This one is the AMAZING guide that really got me into gardening for pet training.


The short answer is don't choose. Do both on two different characters -- or as I do -- in two different houses and just alternate days that you equip one house or the other. To eliminate confusion just unequip your house and have access to your dorm only until you are ready to tend a garden.

You really want the Fancy Yogurts but you NEED the EMPs - the guide explains why and energy wise it's WAY more efficient. Nice thing about CPs is they are cheap on energy so it's not very long before you can set up 2 or 3 garden beds (ALL CPs) and do them in one visit. Then unequip the house till next day - trigger the seeds to sprouts - and leave for about 2 days. Trigger them again & do needs -- and off you go. Just one house a day.

Dec 13, 2008
entirely couch potatoes and the biggest reason why is it gets way more money than evil magma peas it also gives empowers which are pretty much tc trading currency on discord and such as well as conviction tc which i super helpful for some bosses that have stun cheats or stun in general and the mega snacks it drops are pretty much the 3 most used ones in game so you are cluttered with the other minor mega snacks emps give and speaking of snacks the lower tier sellable snacks they sell pretty well which also gives tons of gold as well that and they require less work to grow so yea i highly prefer couch potatoes entirely

Aug 10, 2009
I personally love Evil Magma peas... I have 3 wizards with peas growing. I do have one wizard with couch potatos.. I feel for the amount of work the peas give the best rewards. Hope this helps :)