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In need of advice ;^(

Feb 02, 2019
I'll be honest - I'm terrible at this game. I die far too often for my level, I always leech off of the level 50's that come and re-do the lower level dungeons instead of relying on my own merit and I can't seem to battle right for the life of me.

I've struggled through Krokotopia thus far, yes, but nothing has stumped me quite like Itennu Sokkwi - of all enemies. His 80% death shield does my head in, I can't seem to hit any good if my life depended on it and they always seem to pull out the big guns when I decide to heal with a life steal, pixie, sacrifice or healing current, and I don't know if I have an effective deck. If anyone can give me some advice, it'd be greatly appreciated!

19, Anna Griffin

Jan 18, 2010
Hi Anna,

Welcome To Both The Game & The Message Boards!

Now, let's talk.

I'm going to address your deck first.

Deck - You don't want to have a large deck, you don't need to fill all your slots with cards. As a level 19 death, these are the cards I recommend;

2 Vampires
3 Deathblades
1-2 Deathtrap
1 Curse
2 Banshees
1 Ghoul
1 Sacrifice

That's it.

Now, I also recommend you try incorporating the use of treasure cards. Hence, visit the bazaar and buy a few feints, deathblades, Poison and damage enchanting treasures such as Tough.
Enchant your attacking spells by using tough to give it more power prior to attacking.

Now, your gear.

At level 19, level 15+ gear available from the bazaar is fine. I recommend visiting and upgrading to these items. Hat, robe, shoes, athame, ring and for your amulet, that's up to you, but I recommend Bastia's Deadly Chocker; it gives two deathtrap cards.

As a death, you will face many life foes who spam death shields. This is something that you will have to work with. Spells such Poison as will help you immensely.

Poison is a four pip, death, damage over time spell that works similar to fire elf does. It's perfect for life foes always spamming death shields. Consider using it or the treasure card variant (available from bazaar) if you need to.

Now, your training points.

How are you using them?

Consider training ice up to tower shield. Avoid training life as you don't need that school's assistance in healing.

Post if you've anymore queries.

Good Luck & Hang In There!

Feb 02, 2019
As an update, I've managed to get through the fight - not by my own merit of course but instead because literally every turn I was awarded a power pip - making my usual trap, blade, vampire routine a lot quicker. Also, thanks for the advice, I'll likely still use it going forward as, as a primarily Pirate player, the games are vastly different in their combat styles and that's just something I'll have to get used to. For the most part, as well, I've been training up Myth (no reason really, just liked it and I was interested in getting the death shield for myself, as well as extra life protection), so I might start looking into ice, as well as that poison spell.

The only thing I'm wary of is the small deck - oftentimes I find myself running out of cards to use and having to rely on treasure cards, which, obviously, is not good - this means a trip to the bazaar might be out of the question as getting those treasure cards always saps me of all of my money but I will still look into the bazaar nonetheless.

One final thing I'm struggling with is what certain cards do - take for example pacify. What exactly does 'reducing the threat' on a target do and should I waste my time with it? What spells will I get in the future that will be of completely no use to me, and what do the symbols that aren't attacking, healing or defending mean?