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Beastmoon Hunt: Helpful tips and tricks.

Feb 12, 2015
Snee432 on Dec 18, 2019 wrote:
Sharing a few tutorial links here, because yesterday, I was on a team and I think I was the only person for whom it was not the first Beastmoon hunt. No one communicated, they rushed into battle alone, it was kind of a disaster. Thought these might help folks:



Thanks so much for sharing!

Feb 12, 2015
I just came upon a post by Snee432 about Beastmoon Etiquette, and thought I'd put alike to it here where people can find it as well. (Hope you don't mind, Snee; it's a really great and worthwhile post and I tip my hat to you for making it. ) I'd urge all Hunters to take a look.

Feb 12, 2015
Calling all Beastmoon Hunters! For tose that don't already know, Kingsisle has announced an upcoming one-week Test Realm to test new upcoming Beastmoon content. This includes new forms and I'm guessing a map. Once it comes online I'll try to give you more information on the new content.

Nov 27, 2013
I would like to know the secret to drawing a treasure card in the beastmoon hunt. There are three buttons under the cards in the display "Pass Draw Flee"

If I delete a card and then click "Draw" nothing ever happens.

What is the secret?
Do you have to craft clay to make reagent to craft hat to make reagent to craft gem to put on athame to make reagent to craft mount to travel to secret area to get reagent to craft card?

Also, when I open Beastmoon chests, frequently it gives beastmoon TC. I have never been able to actually see one of these. Do you have to craft flower to get drop to make reagent to craft hat to get special ticket to use at crown store to buy reagent to craft secret message to open secret area to get to see these TC?

signed, puzzled.

Nov 27, 2013
Snee432 on Dec 18, 2019 wrote:
Sharing a few tutorial links here, because yesterday, I was on a team and I think I was the only person for whom it was not the first Beastmoon hunt. No one communicated, they rushed into battle alone, it was kind of a disaster. Thought these might help folks:



After reading these very helpful fan guides, I would really like someone in senior management at KI to explain why this information is not presented coherently by the purveyors of the game, but must be compiled and deduced by the players.

Whoever is running the show over there: if this is too hard for you to write directions for, maybe rethinking the design of the experience would make sense.

Feb 12, 2015
Remember that an important change has now been made to the Beastmoon Hunt! Tiers now correspond to Levels!

What I mean is, for, example, if you have a tier 3 Ninja Pig, you will always start each Beastmoon Hunt with a Level 3 Ninja Pig. This has a lot of potential in future Beastmoon Hunts, so please note this change!

Jun 05, 2009
ChicoValerian on Jan 11, 2020 wrote:
I would like to know the secret to drawing a treasure card in the beastmoon hunt. There are three buttons under the cards in the display "Pass Draw Flee"

If I delete a card and then click "Draw" nothing ever happens.

What is the secret?
Do you have to craft clay to make reagent to craft hat to make reagent to craft gem to put on athame to make reagent to craft mount to travel to secret area to get reagent to craft card?

Also, when I open Beastmoon chests, frequently it gives beastmoon TC. I have never been able to actually see one of these. Do you have to craft flower to get drop to make reagent to craft hat to get special ticket to use at crown store to buy reagent to craft secret message to open secret area to get to see these TC?

signed, puzzled.
Dear Puzzled.

Can't wait tell if you're trolling or just love the sound of your own typing.

In order to not stray too far from the current norm, the battle interphase in beastmoon attempts to mimic the mechanics of regular PvP/PvE style combat - with of course a few notable differences.

These differences being, in no particular order: turn based combat (which I believe is used in some tournament styles - and was also one of the old ways we used to PvP) turn timer - it's shorter than regular PvP/PvE, the use of flat damage versus cards we have grown up with, the concept of after life effects (short of just being revived) and of course TC, which a) do not carry over from match to match, and b) can not be instantly pulled via the draw button, but rather shares the mechanism of discarding (from regular PvP/PvE) and the consolidation of main deck and side board being one and the same -similar to the deckathalon event.

To answer your question in short...in order to draw a TC you either purchased in the beastmoon lobby or may have harvested from a chest, you would simply need to discard a card from your hand in order to open a space in it to draw from your consolidated card pool in the next turn.

With reshuffle not being something that currently exists in beastmoon, the best advice I could offer is to only buy cards in TC format that you need and not clutter your playing deck As if you discard too much you can end up forfeiting your match by running out of cards.

Good Luck and see you under that

Nov 27, 2013
That's helpful. I was confused by the button that says Draw or something like that. There is no side deck in BeastMoon and you cannot replace a discarded card on the turn you discard it, correct?

Mar 05, 2010
The last beastmoon i had major problems. My balance wizard did not reset to level 0 an i could not collect anything in the game or on the scroll, i had no timers to know when to go in or when the game was starting. When a battle would end it would not let me out i had to use esc an the map stayed on my screen an i could not see to join or look at my scroll, i had to log off an log back on for the map to go away. It was very frustrating as i could not do anything. When it was over my wiz reset back to 0 like it should have, so hoping everything will be ok for the next beastmoon event. I waited all month to do beastmoon an could not play with that wizard at all. So i started another one an it worked fine for that one. I love beastmoon hope that does not happen to anyone else it was sad for my wizard.

Feb 12, 2015
I haven't been able to play Beastmoon a lot lately, so I don't know too much aout the new features, but I'll relay what I can.

The Colossus is an incredibly tanks support. It is capable of placing good absorbs on opponents, and can even intercept damage from its allies! Use this form if you prefer a good defensive support.

The Fairy is possibly the most variable Beastform yet. It is capable of doing all sorts of different things, such as attacking, healing, and even trapping and supporting! However, its health is rather low. Use this form if you are looking for an all-around fighter.

The Aquila mines map is based in tiers. Starting from the outside, it goes down to lower parts of the battlefield. You can move between the different rings by use of ramps, and the Health urns are on the ring above Spiral.

(Sadly, I have no info on the Celestia map )

If anyone has anything they'd like to share, please do so! It would be welcome.

Feb 01, 2009
Why is it that if i run into the problem of being lagged out I'm not only kicked from my beastmoon game but also banned from playing beastmoon for one hour?? This is not only unfair to me but also unfair to my teamates who basically just lost the game because of one instance of lag that was probably not my fault considering how bad the servers can be. Add the option to rejoin game just like dungeon recall because the system is broken right now.

Feb 08, 2011
Jan 23, 2010
Lookit Light on Dec 6, 2019 wrote:
So the Gold Idols ARE available from the Blossoms! Good thing I've been growing them. You hear this, everyone?!?
I'm not sure Gold Idols should be available from the Blossoms unless it is a glitch. I have been gardening them since the beginning of Beastmoon and have never gotten a Gold Idol. It comes from the Event Rewards or from The Scroll of Fortune, or from the Crafting Anvil.

Jan 12, 2010
Mar 19, 2009
Well I would like to thank the dev's for creating beastmoon both event's hunt and mayhem are fun however there is a person still at it ruining the fun for any team or person who wishes to play. This person is using six accounts to create their own team, with max level/tier creatures, and basically wipes the floor with anyone who is an opponent, now this may seem yay fun for other's but not to those of us who barely get time to play and need the event points to advance to the unlock golden idol. I myself will have to continue to quit the event when I am que'd up against her and will wait and pray i am not again for the next time. I wish the dev's or game master's could do something about this as it creates a huge disadvantage to any other player against her.