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Lost Pages

Sep 06, 2017
I never completed the Lost Pages event because I was too low leveled at the time. but it won't let me get the quest

Nov 26, 2012
Same story, and now I have access to Celestia and other worlds, but no Lost Pages, except on one character. That one has gone through Krokotopia and MooShu, and had no problem, but none of the others can even access the prompts. It's probably just a glitch.

Aug 03, 2014
noah9040 on Jul 2, 2019 wrote:
I never completed the Lost Pages event because I was too low leveled at the time. but it won't let me get the quest
You 'never completed' the Lost Pages...which means you did start them and your problem may be that you're trying to speak to the wrong NPC. When we start the Lost Pages by speaking to Harold Argleston in the Wizard City Library, he opens ALL the Lost Pages quests at once.

You can check your badges to see where you got up to. It's a little confusing because they are NOT in chronological order (I'm not sure why). I'll write them in the same order they show in your badges with the chronological order and quest giver in brackets afterwards.


1. Author of Virtue's Poetry [4th quest - Celestia - given by Edith Benchley - Base Camp]

2. Quiet Writer Of Epitaphs [3rd quest - Mooshu - given by Xun Zhao - Jade Palace]

3. Scribe of the Howling Wind [1st quest - Wizard City - given by Simeon in Ravenwood]

4. Bleak Master of the Pen [2nd quest - Krokotopia - given by Sergeant Major Talbot in the Oasis]

5. Coruscating Calligrapher [6th quest - Azteca - given by Pacal Redmask in the Zocolo]

6. Cipher of Lost Glyphs [5th quest - Avalon - given by Sir Pike Del Lago in Caliburn]

Then we have:

7. Illuminator of the Lost Pages [complete all 6 quests above]

8. Spell Checker [defeat 50 spellwrit creatures]

9. Spell Writer [defeat 250 spellwrit creatures]

So...now you should be able to work out which quests you have missed. Keep in mind there are 3 parts to each quest, I expect you'll pick up at whichever point you left off but it's possible they return to the beginning of the section if only partially completed...sorry, I'm not entirely sure. You can check which NPC has something for you though. Also, each location ends with seeing Arthur Wethersfield in Ravenwood, so he may be worth checking.

I hope this helps! Good luck becoming the Illuminator of the Lost Pages!

Aug 07, 2012
What level are you now? The first lost pages starts in the library. Have you visited there and talked to Harold and then his assistant Boris? Then you have to defeat 10 spellwrit screamers on Triton Ave, back to the library, see the balance instructor Arthur in Ravenwood by the tree, then go to Dee's mirror at the end of Triton, and defeat the possessed student Kestral, report back to Arthur. If you didn't complete it the last time it was offered you have to start the quest from the beginning. If you have completed Wizard City, the next lost pages is in Krokotopia. See the major by the water/oasis. If you have done Krokotopia up to and including the Grand Arena in the sphinx then you can do the second lost pages.

Give us a bit more information so we can help. What level is your wizard? Have you completed any of the lost pages? Which one are you stuck on? If you don't have access to some of the worlds or haven't completed that world then you may not have access to complete it. The possessed students in Dee's mirror are harder. If you need help stand by the mirror and team up with the next wizard going in. I'd be willing to help if you post date, time, time zone, and realm to meet up--but give time for it to be posted and read.