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Aero Plains

Dec 30, 2011
I have to admit it, Port Aero, Southwest Aero Plains, Northeast Aero Plains, and Velo City are my favorites of all Empyrea. But, I can't say that they're my favorite areas completely and I can explain why. Well around the Southwest and Northeast Aero Plains, there aren't that many health wisps, which is the only thing in those areas that disappoint me. Like, compared to the Rubal Wastes and Alkali Barrows in Mirage, there are plenty of health wisps in those areas, but, in the Southwest and Northeast Aero Plains, there's way less. And I'm not trying to be mean to you or anything, I'm just letting you know that both of those areas need more health wisps. It would make me feel better if you had more health wisps to the Southwest and Northeast Aero Plains. Hopefully you can do it in the next update.