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Monstrous Tc + Death spell Wraith

May 23, 2015
I was playing today and got my new spell the Wraith. I carry a lot of monstrous Tc cards so that I can quest easier, and when I was in battle I combined the two cards (Wraith and monstrous) And instead of giving Wraith 175 damage it gave it 107 or something like that. I tried it again and it had the same results. Please tell me if this is a bug or am I missing something on enchants because the only difference I know in damage enchants is in tempest and heck hound the damage per pip cards. Thanks in advance!

Mar 26, 2011
This is not a bug, drain spells get less damage from enchantments because they heal you as well. I personally feel that they should give you full damage, but kingsisle doesn't seem to think so.