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Game is throwing a temper tantrum?

Jul 02, 2017
All night long my game has been being pretty darn sassy. I keep losing connection, when it's time to pick a card during battle nothing comes up. mobs are literally walking around safe zones (they leave their trail), etc. I thought it was just my internet connection being wonky. I reset my modem not once, but twice to see if that was the culprit. The game still continued to act strange. I asked a couple of players online if they were having some issues similar to mine, and indeed they were.
I don't think this is a DDOS attack, but is it something similar? Or is the game just struggling for some reason? Also, is anyone else having weird things happen while they play as well?


Jul 15, 2010
The Main thing I have noticed just starting tonight, is that when I try and remove an object from my bank to put in backpack, I keep getting the alert "Transaction Not Successful". I came on here to see if it was just me. Anyone else having weirdness tonight?

Oct 11, 2010
I have been experiencing game crashes. When my game loads up, I have to port to another area, otherwise, the game will freeze and kick me out without an error message.
So I completely understand what you mean.

Jan 19, 2018
Oct 19, 2013
My game is acting weird too. The X is not coming up all the time when I need to talk to NPC and I simply cannot go into other areas until I restart the game. I hope this gets fixed quickly.

Jan 10, 2009
This has also been happening to my friends and I. We'd be questing and then we'd all disconnect from the game at the same time, unable to log back in for a while. We don't even live in the same state so I know it's not just my computer/internet. Connection is fine for everything besides Wizard--The same goes for them. This has been happening over the past few days.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
The game has been unstable all day Saturday (22 June) and basically went offline between 3:00-4:30pm Pacific time. I'm starting to wonder if it's another series of DDOS attacks.

Alia Misthaven

Jul 02, 2017
I just read on a different site that someone saw a certain group talking about DDOSing the game. Sigh. I hope it ends soon

Aug 03, 2014
I was also struggling to log in and on the couple of occasions I made it into the game I lost connection or got trapped in an eternal loading screen. I tried everything my end but no change and seeing so many threads about similar experiences it seems to be a game problem.

On one hand I'm glad it isn't something my end but it's worse if it's something affecting everyone. I hope KI are able to get things back to normal quickly and that it is some kind of techy error and not something malicious

Whatever it is, we're on your side KI and cheering you on!

Aug 03, 2014
I responded before I logged in and it referenced how it was yesterday...I've logged in two accounts now without any problems and they seem to be enjoying their double pet XP without hitch! Whatever it was KI saw to fixing it promptly and hopefully it'll be smooth for everyone now

Jul 16, 2016
My game freezes all the time for me because I live far from the USA, but it has gotten worse and happened more often recently!