I finished the expedition team in the pagoda of harmony quest, but it wont let me actually finish. I follow the arrow, and it leads me to a shrine, but the shrine wont let me do anything. Help?
How often does this bug seem to happen? (Once/Sometimes/Often/Every time)
Were you playing Solo? (Y/N)
If you were in a group or playing with others, how many?
Were you the only one to experience this issue?
Can you reproduce this bug?
If you are stuck in game or unable to progress, please contact support@wizard101.com immediately for assistance. When you contact them, please provide as much detail as possible:
1. Confirm username (which account are you playing) 2. What area were you trying to access when this happened? 3. What time (approximately) was it? 4. Are you still having this trouble? If not, what occurred?