Many of us who don't like PVP objected strongly to this requirement. The "compromise" is that doing the Daily Assignments every day will get us some trophies ... eventually. Not from slowly gathering the tickets but the actual trophies. I can confirm that some of my wizards who never did PVP have ended up with 1 or 2 trophies in their backpack. The Daily Assignments is the only explanation for how they got there.
At the moment, that's the only alternative to PVP tournaments. It's very slow going, probably will take months.
For what it's worth, I did finally bite the bullet and go into the arena to do quick tournaments. I went in expecting to lose and resolved to have some fun and maybe learn a thing or two. It wasn't that bad of an experience. I earned my tickets that way and then used them to buy the trophies (which, oddly, are purchased in the Pet Hatchery).
tldr (in summary):
Doing daily assignments on all of your wizards might get you a few trophies on each wizard. Then you can pool them into the shared bank and pass them to the wizard who is crafting the Revered Wand. It will take a long time, but no PVP is required.
seriously i love crafting but i can never complete the new craft quest because i have to go do pvp and i hate pvp
pve means player versus enemy if you where wondering. but please make it possible to get in other ways instead of fighting other players
Jacob Lionsword 125
I completely agree that it isn't ideal. If you really want to complete that quest your best bet is to do Tournaments as it's a pretty good way to earn Tickets, Trophies etc.
The big problem I have with it, is that while it is not needed, as in not a required quest, those of us who garden and train pets could use the energy boost as well as Pet Derby people. What does energy stats have to do with PvP? Not a single thing. it seems so..... unbalanced. The melee stats I get, but why have something, that has a requirement to get, from an area that has nothing to do with the stats on the gear? It just seems poor planning in my mind.
I completely agree that it isn't ideal. If you really want to complete that quest your best bet is to do Tournaments as it's a pretty good way to earn Tickets, Trophies etc.
Good luck!
According to KI, Participation Trophies were introduced to get players to try new aspects of the game. At least that's my understanding. Plus the thing about daily assignment chests having them but..
I have been doing Daily assignments on six wizards almost everyday since it went live. So far I have gotten three trophies.
Like other Crowns players, I don't have free access to PvP and tournaments, In addition, I do not have the funds to shell out for the EXTRA costs of crowns after paying foe the new zones. And yes I know Daily Assignments gives crowns rewards and Earn crowns feature (that's works maye twice a week) helps, but it takes months to save 80-900 for one pet race, PvP round, or tournament.
If they added trophies to a gsrdening drop that would make me happy but, personally, I believe it's just another way to make us to dpend more money on Crowns...