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Nov 16, 2017
I have been meaning to speak to the computer concerning memory loss. Maybe I'm wrong but if you defeat the minions, then get zeroed out and transport back, the only one there should be the boss. Is that correct? This has happened to me a couple times this week. I get rid of the minions, get booted out, transport back and all three are standing there ready to go. I'm having trouble keeping up with all the rules I guess.

Sydney Skyblook lvl 63 Fire.

Jan 18, 2010
This was the case some time ago.

You used to be able to defeat the minions and in the case you get defeated, you could simply dungeon recall back and face the boss 1V1.

However, this as you can see was changed.

I'm guessing because the technique was exploited; persons would just defeat the mob(s), flee just to face the boss 1V1. Obviously, that was not ideally the intention, so, the mechanics were changed.

So, there is nothing wrong, getting defeated or zeroed means you lost, so the entire battle is resetted. In other words, you're reattempting it from scratch.

Jul 19, 2012
Well, if you're fighting the boss and the minions in separate battles, the first battle you fight and win will be saved, so that if you exit it you will automatically have won it when entering it again. But, if the boss and minions are in the same sigil then defeating the minions, dying, and then coming back will just redo the whole battle entirely.

I think if you have a hard time memorizing it, to put it simply your progress in dungeons gets saved after every SEPERATE battle.

Nov 16, 2017
Thank you Edward. This changes my tactics. I'm lucky enough to have damage over time spells. I'll just concentrate on the boss and let the minions fall away as I go My worst enemies, and hardest for me to conquer, are my school. Plus Zafaria is teaching more subtle ways. I'll keep studying the wiki to learn how to beat a boss and experiment with different cards.

Sydney Skyblood lvl 63 Fire

Aug 03, 2016
Alzheimers is a tragic very serious illness, probably shouldn't make light of it. Computer memory loss does not = Alzheimers.

Nov 27, 2013
When you are fighting a boss from your school who has resist to your attacks, it's best to put a prism (convert) on him before you place your traps.