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The most underrated NPC

Aug 03, 2015
There are many notable NPC's that are criminally underrated, I have a few honorable s:

. King Thermadore
. Duncan Grimwater
. Shalek The wise
. The Professor
. Sherlock Bones
. Mossback
. Baulder Goldpaws

The list will go on forever. The most underrated NPC in my opinion isn't just the character it'self but the actual model. I'm talking about one of my favorite models of all time. The model i'm referring to is none other than the PIRATE models.The pirate model isn't the most underrated NPC but to me, the award goes to: Haul Away Joe.

A lot of you guys don't even know who this is. Haul Away Joe is a boss in Crab Alley and if you see his image on the wiki, you'll be surprised by his look and think, ''why isn't his model used more often?'', I guess KI didn't have plans for this model but basically, when you reach level 75 (this is access to fire wizards only), you will get given multiple quests that leads up to the spell of Sir Lamorak. The professor gives you a quest called ''the third professor''. You do a lot of quests, defeat a lot of quests in deep warren and you eventually end up defeating haul away Joe, AKA: the most underrated NPC of all time.

Who do you think is the most underrated NPC in game?