Use to be, long time ago, when you would get a summons from a teacher or other mop in game, the little circle at the lower right of the screen, it would stay there until you clicked on it to read what was wanted. Recently I was deep inside of marley and my teacher came up, but after I left that dungen, she was gone. Now, I may be a bit lazy, but I don't want to stop and write a note to myself to go see her, so I would leave those circles up until I was ready to deal with them.
Please bring the stickeyness back to them. I want to clean them myself and not have them disapper and forgotten after a long night, etc.
"We’ve added a new Tutorial Tip Log for keeping all those pesky tutorial tips contained in one icon and one location in your quest log. You access this feature in one of two ways: 1- You can click the Tutorial Tip Icon on the right hand of your screen (this fades away after one minute of appearing on screen) or 2- there is a button on the upper left of the Quest Log that will open your Tutorial Tips. This log displays all of the Tutorial Tips that you’ve ever received (with the most recent ones being displayed first). Changing computers or using the Test Realm also no longer causes a long list of tutorial tips to appear on your screen.
The Tutorial Tip Log has the following categories:
Warning—Tips that warn the player about something. For example, low on mana, close to maximum inventory or out of treasure card space, etc. Quest—Tips that are related to quests. Like talk to Merle, etc. School—Tips that are related to spell or pet school quests. Tutorial—Tips that explain how something is used."