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Possible Bugs

Jul 25, 2010
Before we begin with the list, I would like to thank Kingsisle for this new update to freshen the game some more. It creates a fresh breeze for all us wanting to continue with the game!

Anyway, this update has brought upon some interesting side-effects with it. I'm not sure if these are bugs or changes, but here are some examples for the one's I've encountered.

1. Picking up items is instant.
When you go to pick up a reagent or collect gardening rewards all the items appear on-screen as soon as you pick them up, whereas normally there would be a pause, signifying you were collecting them in-game.

2. Battles take longer to finish than normal.
Before you can move around after finishing a battle, there is an awkward pause beforehand. This could be a reference to classical RPGs however.

3. Learning new spells from a quest is now less enthusiastic.
When you collect your new spell from a quest (Example would be getting Guiding Light after finishing Marleybone) It no longer has a "pop-up" notification that appears on your screen. It just appears as if you just collected a reagent, also being instantaneous.

I'm sure there are more that others have found, but these are the ones I have seen majorly.

~Ian Nighthunter, level 120
~Ian Lifehunter, level 26
~Gavin Dreamsword, level 80