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azteca crafting quest

Feb 02, 2009
I am a veteran player with several different character quite high up and i know what i'm doing when it comes to crafting the fact that you must go to a spot before the game will even register you have crafted the eagle war shield is absolutely intolerable Up to this point the game has expected you to find everything even most of the recipes from nps from other worlds entirely then all the sudden is forces you to go to a spot. well guess what i forgot to do and now 10 HOURS OF WORK goes down the drain because all the sudden the games wants to hold your hand the agave necter is already very painful to get and i used every bit of what i had to craft one and come to find out that is all put to waste over a design flaw that literally makes no sense compared to the resourcefulness you have to display for the previous quests and is utter nonsense and should be changed immediately to either be able to know the player has an eagle war shield in their inventory or completely remove this part of the quest.

Nov 08, 2015
XxRagingDem0nXx on Apr 1, 2017 wrote:
I am a veteran player with several different character quite high up and i know what i'm doing when it comes to crafting the fact that you must go to a spot before the game will even register you have crafted the eagle war shield is absolutely intolerable Up to this point the game has expected you to find everything even most of the recipes from nps from other worlds entirely then all the sudden is forces you to go to a spot. well guess what i forgot to do and now 10 HOURS OF WORK goes down the drain because all the sudden the games wants to hold your hand the agave necter is already very painful to get and i used every bit of what i had to craft one and come to find out that is all put to waste over a design flaw that literally makes no sense compared to the resourcefulness you have to display for the previous quests and is utter nonsense and should be changed immediately to either be able to know the player has an eagle war shield in their inventory or completely remove this part of the quest.
You should've been paying attention as to what the quest wanted.

Agave Nectar drops quite often in Aquila and other areas, and I see it in large quantities all the time in the Bazaar.

Apr 06, 2013
XxRagingDem0nXx on Apr 1, 2017 wrote:
I am a veteran player with several different character quite high up and i know what i'm doing when it comes to crafting the fact that you must go to a spot before the game will even register you have crafted the eagle war shield is absolutely intolerable Up to this point the game has expected you to find everything even most of the recipes from nps from other worlds entirely then all the sudden is forces you to go to a spot. well guess what i forgot to do and now 10 HOURS OF WORK goes down the drain because all the sudden the games wants to hold your hand the agave necter is already very painful to get and i used every bit of what i had to craft one and come to find out that is all put to waste over a design flaw that literally makes no sense compared to the resourcefulness you have to display for the previous quests and is utter nonsense and should be changed immediately to either be able to know the player has an eagle war shield in their inventory or completely remove this part of the quest.
I know your pain and no BrahmShadow, it is not a common drop in the bazaar, maybe it is a common drop for you, but not in my case. If you enough agave leaves you can transmute them into agave nectar. 15 agave leaves to be exact. Now Popol Vuh Whitepaper sells this recipe in the Alto Alto for the transmuting the leaves into nectar. If you don't won't to, then you can farm the agave leaves in hopes of getting agave nectar in between.


P.S- The best place to farm them would be in the Alto Alto.

May 28, 2012
I can feel your pain as my fire had all the items in backpack, crafted the war shield, but was unable to turn it in. Due to not going to the area to obtain agave leaves. She had use the one and only Potent trap in backpack. Spent months farming for the trap as it is not tradeable or able to be purchased. Then spent months gardening for said trap. Finally on last Ultra-Alligator Pear tree , I finally was able to get the trap. Yeah‼! Finally able to turn inquest. I do agree that if item was crafted by wizard with the quest it should be accepted.
And I agree with Reyes 107’s comment on agave leaves. My brother and sister helped my balance get the required leaves to transmute for this by changing realms