I've been having a problem in the Tree of Life trying to pick up the Oakheart quest. The area near the 'Outer Field' always seems to freeze and crash my game every time I get near it. The first time it happened, I was pretty much "locked" out of my account for 2 days until I managed to click the home button fast enough before it froze.
I tried lowering my graphics settings to see if that was the issue, but it still freezes nonetheless. I'm wondering if anyone else experienced this in that area as well because I've never experienced a crash anywhere except there.
I've never had that problem, but mine crashes a lot. I assume it's my macbook pro (running OS Seirra) bc macs aren't made to run games with high graphics. With me I start seeing what I call "pixals" (just little squares glitching) and after a half hour of seeing those I crash. Another issue, but rare, is my screen will minus all by itself and when I bring it back up the screen is all white and says wizard101 must be forced to quit.
But with your issue it might be just that area. Is it a crowded area? With me I lag and crash faster in crowded areas.
If it's a crowded area try changing realms. Maybe that'll help :) Also is it just that one area in the entire game?