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What Would Make It Better?

Jun 08, 2011
Personally I think there could be quite a few improvements to the game to make it more fun. For example, it would be great if there were new classes and character options in the beginning of the game. As well as Mount hatching. More pets, packs etc. And, I think it would be GREAT if they made the teeny Grizzleheim bear an Ice pet!

Sep 08, 2011
I was actually thinking mount hatching in my head a couple weeks ago. It would be amazing.

Mar 12, 2013
It would be nice if your pet could learn some of its unmanifested but inherited skills/talents over time, through campaigning with you.

Say you had a first-generation pet with a potential to manifest Storm Shot, but at Ancient it has not manifested this yet. You could either continue to level it and hope you get the manifest, or you could go questing in a Storm-enriched area like Shirataki Temple or Tomb of the Beguiler and each time you successfully finished the dungeon, your pet would test against a 15% to 25% chance of adding that talent. (Percentages are merely for example, the actual rates might have to be lower or higher to make it fair and balanced)

Death pets would have a chance after going through Sunken City, Myth pets would have a chance after Colossus Blvd or Big Ben, Life pets after Tanglewood Way, etc.

Eventually all pets would have the opportunity to shine and be their best. Even a low pedigree pet can manifest desirable, useful, and helpful talents over a long period of time. It would encourage no-crowns members to train and use their pets, hatch them, etc. without hesitation. (It would also encourage them to consider getting a crown pet so it can benefit fully from this new feature.)

It would also really help players who have hybrid pets corresponding to their primary and secondary schools. Finding a hatch match has been difficult for my myth/balance krok because neither myth nor balance pet owners want to chance getting a hodgepodge of unwanted talents that don't benefit them directly. The idea pets discovering new talents from field duty would allow me to eventually manifest balanceblade and myth-giver, which she potentially has, without having to find a willing judge or oni owner.

It makes sense that an intelligent pet watching you casting spells and facing tough opposition for months would learn a thing or two from its environment.

Aug 12, 2009
crunkatog on Apr 26, 2013 wrote:
It would be nice if your pet could learn some of its unmanifested but inherited skills/talents over time, through campaigning with you.

Say you had a first-generation pet with a potential to manifest Storm Shot, but at Ancient it has not manifested this yet. You could either continue to level it and hope you get the manifest, or you could go questing in a Storm-enriched area like Shirataki Temple or Tomb of the Beguiler and each time you successfully finished the dungeon, your pet would test against a 15% to 25% chance of adding that talent. (Percentages are merely for example, the actual rates might have to be lower or higher to make it fair and balanced)

Death pets would have a chance after going through Sunken City, Myth pets would have a chance after Colossus Blvd or Big Ben, Life pets after Tanglewood Way, etc.

Eventually all pets would have the opportunity to shine and be their best. Even a low pedigree pet can manifest desirable, useful, and helpful talents over a long period of time. It would encourage no-crowns members to train and use their pets, hatch them, etc. without hesitation. (It would also encourage them to consider getting a crown pet so it can benefit fully from this new feature.)

It would also really help players who have hybrid pets corresponding to their primary and secondary schools. Finding a hatch match has been difficult for my myth/balance krok because neither myth nor balance pet owners want to chance getting a hodgepodge of unwanted talents that don't benefit them directly. The idea pets discovering new talents from field duty would allow me to eventually manifest balanceblade and myth-giver, which she potentially has, without having to find a willing judge or oni owner.

It makes sense that an intelligent pet watching you casting spells and facing tough opposition for months would learn a thing or two from its environment.
Actually, I like this idea. Interesting

Apr 17, 2011
Mount hatching would be awesome, but I would imagine they would make you pay crowns to hatch them. I want to mix a broom mount with a dragon!

Jan 11, 2012
Post #1

How about fixing existing problems before coming up with new worlds? I know new worlds take a HUGE amount of time, but how about focusing on the game now, fixing the problems without nerfing cards/gear. KI has a huge wealth of people working for them in terms of experience, yet they seem (and they're NOT alone by any stretch) unable to fix the big problems in their game. They need to hunker down and fix the balance of the game. It seems like they're mostly focused on PvP, yet not really fixing it.

The Reshuffle change has annoyed most people yet they've been surprisingly silent as to why they made the change, so they leave us only guessing and making wild accusations. I don't think they need to explain every little move to us, but we all asked WHY something was changed, and we were met with thundering silence.

I think it's time to sit the people down, and finally figure out a way to fix the game, and I hate to say it, the differences of attacks/life/immunities/spells between the schools is part of the problem. I know, people like different aspects of the schools, and I do too, but when one spell acts many different ways depending on the school, it makes it VERY hard to keep balancing that over the life of the game. It's a WONDERFUL part of the game, but if juggling 3 things is hard, then 7 is near impossible.

Jan 11, 2012
Post #2

Here's some spells that have varying effects over the 7 schools:

Sacrifice minion spells - 7 effects
School Blade spells - 4 effects (not counting universal or triple spells)
School Trap spells - 2 effects (not counting universal or triple spells)

Ice Armor & Spirit Armor? Why doesn't EVERY school have one of these? Does it really make the school stand out that much?
Sun school morphing spells?

I think the uniqueness of each school is taking its toll and have put KI in a place where they can't fix it without completely overhauling the game. THIS is why I stated in another thread that there needs to be a school with universal spells, so they act the same across the game. Some spells really SHOULD be the same regardless of spell, like the Shield spells. The shield spells are +80% resist across the board, so why do we have 7 spells and not a universal -80% from next attack? We have Tower Shield that does -50%, but what's wrong with having another neutral damage protecting spell?

My personal opinion, is that while they did an extremely wild idea for the game, they went too far and now can't backpedal. I played an extremely popular RPG, that had a mage, rogue and warrior and every piece of armor or spell could be utilized by everybody and it worked very well. Why can't W101 be like this? Why do we HAVE to have 7 schools with SOME spells that act soo wildly different even though they're the same basic spell (sacrifice minion), and gear that is soo vastly different, with immunities that are soo vastly different, that just make the game soo hard to control? The SCHOOL SPELLS should be the biggest variable, not... well, everything. Would it be that BAD of a game if everybody had the same base stats and the SPELLS are what made each school unique?

I don't know, maybe it would trash the game, I have no way of knowing, but that doesn't mean I don't want to try to help the game improve

Jun 18, 2012
punkdutchess9 on Apr 26, 2013 wrote:
Personally I think there could be quite a few improvements to the game to make it more fun. For example, it would be great if there were new classes and character options in the beginning of the game. As well as Mount hatching. More pets, packs etc. And, I think it would be GREAT if they made the teeny Grizzleheim bear an Ice pet!
mount hatching looks crazy (they just make you go 40% faster). also why are some mounts more expensive than others. and why does the cheap mounts go really fast like the panther.

also I would like it if you can change your face and hair (you can change it back by pressing reset, even if you have a previously made face\hair and want to go back to the original look). some of those faces and hair are ugly but look good in some outfits ( like the pink eyes look good with the owl hairstyle but not in that very popular mask everybody loves. LOL, I have about six of those XD.

Jun 08, 2011
I'm inclined to agree with everyone. There could be tons of improvements. I absolutely love Wizard101 and I would be delighted if they would add more to it. Character creation and more class options at the beginning of the game, plus more outfitting options, would be SO great. I really wish they would.
Another HUGE issue though, is that when they added worlds like Zafaria etc, they made the game too hard. Friends of mine stopped playing because they couldn't get through them alone. KI sort of took a facebook approach and made it so you HAVE to have friends in order to advance in game. Many people, myself included, find this to be unfair. There should have been thought put toward us 'loners' out there who just want to have fun on our own. I hope they fix that issue as well.

Mar 12, 2013
--Hatless hats. Instead of sacrificing a powerful hat to show your natural hair style, stitch the hat stats onto your hair.

--A way to look at your friends' quest logs so you can plan better for group completion. Sometimes if I have 26 different open quests I may forget to mention I need help with one that's not displaying on the first page of my quest log.

--A tooltip or indicator on pet snacks to show what class of snack food they are. Some of them are sort of ambiguous - Pudding and Yogurt and Treant Bark seem like either dessert or snack or ???

Jan 29, 2012
i like the sound of mount hatching. It would be cool to see what you could get by hatching a panther with a dragon muhahahahahaha!

People are always asking my to gift them and stuff, but i never have crwons. Why do crowns have to be so expensive when you dont get a lot for your money? And why are some things like 800 crowns when its a stack of three book or something like that? i say that they could lower the cost of crowns. It would make it so much easier. Also lower the cost of memberships. Wizard 101 could make a lot more money with lower membership costs. Lots of my friends don't have memberships cause its too much. Think of how many more people would get a membership if it was less.

Also why do they let people use attacking tc in pvp? I know lower levels need it, but I never can win pvp cause some person my level has used an archmage tc on me. I just see it as unfair. When doing pvp they should better match levels. Then their wouldn't be a need for using attacking tc in battle! Personally shield and trap tc are ok by me but i am sick with the attacking tc.

I think also that text chats should see what open chats say. Even though we can't type all the stuff they see, i think it would be better if we could see. I know people would disagree with this but look at it this way. Some open chat may be cussing out a text chat, and the text chat would have no idea.

Also let people do other faces in text chat. Such as, -.- ^.^ ^3^ O_o O-O etc... Also let text chats see and use captials.