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New spells I thought of for level 98

Dec 16, 2012
This is an idea for some spells and pets its just an idea and if KI is reading this please put it into to thought

Mandrake balance 980 to all (not reagent)
Animation A dark forest appears and the plants twitch then they move until the mandrakes come out of the trees and wrap around all the players

Manticore Myth. 1,605 and - 20 life death storm myth balance ice fire sun moon and star

Animation a craggy mountain appears and the manticore jumps out it jabs its scorpion tail into the opponent and roars causing the - 20 part

Amazon Life 1,000 and heal 400 4 rounds and adds 80 next life spell

Animation The amazon swings from the tree tops stabs the opponent and heals you and adds the 80 part

Makhai death 10 and 1,800 and - 50 next spell

Animation the makhai appears in a dark volcanic environment and slashes the opponent the other torso jabs the opponent then the 50 part

Apocalypse fire 2,012

Animation a pair of teens watch the sunset when a meteor strikes then an earthquake and the the whole place implodes

Yeti 1 and 2,005

Animation it's a snowstorm hail hits you causing 1 damage to get rid of sheilds then the yeti bursts out of the ground and bites the opponent

Nessie storm 2,555 and - 30 myth

Animation you see Loch Ness then Nessie arises and roars at the opponent then bites and then as it splashes back into the water a wave hits the opponent causing - 30 myth

Here's some pet ideas

Storm shark
That rank 3 locust swarm head or a swarm of locusts
Wizard pet (not the glitch)
Scarab just the regular one
And gobbler not the red one

Aug 20, 2010
I am balance so i can only complain about the balance one. That is so weak, I can hit more with an enchanted ra. No more Damage to all enemy spells, gosh.

Jun 16, 2011
mandracks are roots. very cool thoghw