This school should be called Color. The Color school can't be a primary school, thus excluding bad guys from having a resistance for Color. These spells are free. The teacher is Manny Colours, a magical artist. Level 0: Color Trap: +3O% damage to next Color attack; Color Blade: +45% Color damage; Artistic Touch: +25% Color damage to all Color spells; Excellent Drawing: summon a minion of Color. Level 1: Color Splash: 75 to 115 Color damage. Level 5: Spark of Color: 135 to 175 Color damage. Level 8: Color Shield: -80% incoming Color damage. Level 10: Wave of Color: 215 to 245 Color damage. Level 12: Living Painting: 265 to 315 Color damage. Level 16: Major Color Blast: 395 to 445 Color Damage. Level 18: Colorful Hound: 150 Color damage per pip over 3 rounds. Level 22: Color Explosion: 415 to 455 Color damage to all enemies. Level 26: Opposite Colors: targeted enemy serves as minion for battle (doesn't work in single bad guy battles). Level 33: Color Bird: 515 to 555 Color damage. Level 38: Lack of Color: dispel next color spell. Level 42: Color Beast: 615 to 655 Color damage. Level 48: Vengeful Rainbow: 770+1500 Color damage over 3 rounds to all enemies.Level 58: Colorful Crystal: 880 to 920 Color damage to all enemies. Level 68: Forgery Painting: 1000 damage of any other school. Level 88: Horrible Painting: 3500 Color damage to all enemies. Every color school spell, except for level 0 spells, have 90% accuracy (level 0 spells have 100% accuracy). Say what you think about it. And why don't some of you post your own ideas? One rule: NO schools can be primary. I am Joseph Boomfountain, a level 36 Pyromancer.
Seems like a good idea! Nice thinking, BUT you have to think critically of some causes, first off many people level 70+ for example's decks are already overflowing...those spells you mentioned (pretty cool btw ;D) affect everything! Pvp would change, would w101 add a mastery for it..would it confuse new people playing this game.. and stuff like that .. but i really like yer idea of a new school and also make spells that you thought of a little bit weaker.. that level 88 spell 3500 damage to all enemies would *KILL* in pvp.
Seems like a good idea! Nice thinking, BUT you have to think critically of some causes, first off many people level 70+ for example's decks are already overflowing...those spells you mentioned (pretty cool btw ;D) affect everything! Pvp would change, would w101 add a mastery for it..would it confuse new people playing this game.. and stuff like that .. but i really like yer idea of a new school and also make spells that you thought of a little bit weaker.. that level 88 spell 3500 damage to all enemies would *KILL* in pvp.
Thanks for the idea benj1amin9! I would also like to mention anyone can post new schools with their spells here, too!
So if you're level 26 or more you make fighting Malistaire a whole lot easier.
strength school. This school, run by Chuck Norris (famous names have been used before in the game) has a central focus on attacking, and increasing attacks. you can't choose this as a main school so all of the spells cost two training points because of their increased strength. However, all power pips work in it. Rank 0 spell (boostertrap): plus 45% to next attack spell (trap) Rank 1 spell (eevee): 100, 210, or 300 damage Rank 2 spell (powerblade): plus 100% damage to next attack spell (blade) Rank 3 spell (triquad): 350 damage to all enemys Rank 4 spell (strengthblade): plus 215% damage to next strength attack spell (blade) Rank 5 spell(capture): stuns all enemys for three rounds and removes pips Rank 6 spell (griffon): 700-750 damage Rank 7 spell (charmander) 800 damage Rank 8 spell (evolution) 70-1000 damage Rank 12 spell (ultracharge): plus 1000% damage to next attack spell (trap)
lvl 118 (probably rank 12 spell time) will sadly be the last strength spell you can learn.
I think the new school should be Aero( air ) because it is an important element of the cycle and that it is powerful!
rank 1: blow: does 100-300 air damage and stuns target for one round: 1 pip rank 2: wind: does 250- 400 air damage: 2 pip rank 3: tornado: does 400-550 air damage to all enemies: 3 pip rank 4: hurricane: does 500 ( common ), 1,000 ( uncommon), or 3,000 ( rare ) damage to all enemies: 4 pip rank 5: wipe out: does 500-1,000 damage and stuns target for three rounds: 5 pip rank 6: rise of the god of air: does 1,000 damage to all enemies : 5 pip rank 7: Air of destruction: does 300 damage to team and does 5,000 damage to all enemies: 7 pip rank 8: the gates of heaven: heals 1,500 health to team, gives team guard armor, and instant death to a target: 12 pips
Universal Blade(0): +50% to any attack Grunt(1): 100-165 dmg Green Guy(2): 315 DoT UFO(3): 415-515 + stuns target for 1 round Area 51(4): +45% to all Extraterrestrial Attack Neil Armstrong(5): Heal for 650-800 Health Apocalypse(6): 815-1000 to all enemies Mother Ship(7): 125 + 1200 dmg Cyborg(8): 875 + 1850 DoT
This school should be called Color. The Color school can't be a primary school, thus excluding bad guys from having a resistance for Color. These spells are free. The teacher is Manny Colours, a magical artist. Level 0: Color Trap: +3O% damage to next Color attack; Color Blade: +45% Color damage; Artistic Touch: +25% Color damage to all Color spells; Excellent Drawing: summon a minion of Color. Level 1: Color Splash: 75 to 115 Color damage. Level 5: Spark of Color: 135 to 175 Color damage. Level 8: Color Shield: -80% incoming Color damage. Level 10: Wave of Color: 215 to 245 Color damage. Level 12: Living Painting: 265 to 315 Color damage. Level 16: Major Color Blast: 395 to 445 Color Damage. Level 18: Colorful Hound: 150 Color damage per pip over 3 rounds. Level 22: Color Explosion: 415 to 455 Color damage to all enemies. Level 26: Opposite Colors: targeted enemy serves as minion for battle (doesn't work in single bad guy battles). Level 33: Color Bird: 515 to 555 Color damage. Level 38: Lack of Color: dispel next color spell. Level 42: Color Beast: 615 to 655 Color damage. Level 48: Vengeful Rainbow: 770+1500 Color damage over 3 rounds to all enemies.Level 58: Colorful Crystal: 880 to 920 Color damage to all enemies. Level 68: Forgery Painting: 1000 damage of any other school. Level 88: Horrible Painting: 3500 Color damage to all enemies. Every color school spell, except for level 0 spells, have 90% accuracy (level 0 spells have 100% accuracy). Say what you think about it. And why don't some of you post your own ideas? One rule: NO schools can be primary. I am Joseph Boomfountain, a level 36 Pyromancer.
I guess its a pretty good idea. i just think we should keep it to the original 7 schools. I think this keeps the game classic.. (just in my opinion)