Hopefully this will be answered by KI but hearing from other people is always welcome. I don't know if this was addressed in a different topic or not but I was wondering why is it that when you are only members you get full benefits compare to someone that is willing to buy all of the zones and areas available? I havent bought zones myself but I have been contemplating switching over to just buying zones. When I read and realized that zone buyers dont really get anything different to free players. Why is it that zone buyers don't get bigger backpacks or longer friend list or faster energy regen, faster crafting timers, advance crafting and chat options? Its not like we aren't putting money in to the game. I understand there will be some differences but things I've listed are things that i think should come with buying of zones since its basic things that the game and the player need to play. And once again I'm not asking to hear from people calling my question stupid or something. I just want a simple honest answer. Thank you for you time to whoever reads or reads and responds to my question. And sorry if this subject is a repost
Honestly KI wants memberships and that is the point behind it. That is why you get perks with a membership. This doesnt mean that a person playing with crowns shouldnt play. There is nothing wrong with playing by crowns but you definately get a little less this way. You may want to consider going to membership, Especially if you spend more than 10.00 a month on crowns.
Well, Shaitan, crowns actually cost more money, but it is worth the price because if you pay once you dont have to renew you crowns, you unlock that place forever
If you want unlimited pvp, then membership. If you want faster crafting cooldowns, membership. Faster hatching, membership.
If you dont care for any of this things then crowns is also good. You unlock a place forever once it is bought. You can also buy some crowns items. Well, i suggest member but hey, its your choice.
If you cannot play every day or you plan to play more than year go for crowns, if you can play every day membership is good solution. The huge problem with membership that I cannot play every day sometimes I have lots of assignments or tests and my membership getting waste I think we need the option to freeze the membership so we can make our things without waste it. As for benefits of membership: You can create up to 6 wiz thus you can hatch up to 6 pets in the same time and craft up to 6x3=18 items at same time. Membership mainly good for pvp
1) When the game originally launched there was no difference. The expanded backpack and other perks for subscribers were added at a later time. The crowns-only players are not so much penalized as they are not receiving the bonus.
2) KI wants subscribers. A monthly subscription is a stronger and more reliable revenue stream than an occasional crowns purchase of a street. Furthermore, when you subscribe, you'll keep subscribing where buying a street means that you own it forever and don't need to pay again.
The "buy it as you go" plan was something really innovative when KI introduced it,but it's a double-edged sword. When the game first launched, if you did the math, it made more sense to buy all of the streets with crowns than it did to subscribe. It was more economical that way.
Now, there are twice as many zones in the game, so buying it all with crowns is a lot more expensive. The extended backpack, shorter cooldowns, free PvP, etc... are additional bonuses that give a subscription more value in comparison to just buying some streets. You can live without them but they make life a lot easier.
So, the short answer is that it's that way to encourage you to subscribe. Given that you can periodically buy a year for $60 (which works out to $5/month) the best deal now is to subscribe, if you plan to play much at all. Buying streets is mainly a benefit to families with kids who never play much more than the first 2-3 worlds.
The advantages to a membership are very slim here. Unless new perks are initiated by KI <which i'm not holding my breath for,based on what i have seen from them so far>, when my current membership expires, I am just going to buy all the areas.