In my opinion, Ice has become probably the weakest school ever since Hades, and it completely fell down a hopeless pit when Malstaire gear was released. Ever since those two updates, the meta has been a hard driven offense-fest. Well, ever since Hades anyway. Malistaire introduced a whole new stage of PvP - The first to hit hardest wins. I believe that this is the wrong way to lead Wizard101, but I will leave that topic for another discussion.
So, with the new meta games for PvP, Ice has fallen into a stage where it's the slowest, easiest to control, weakest damaging school. Its stats don't even let Ice compare to any of the other schools. You could argue that Ice is still a very defensive school, but let's compare their so called "resist" and armor pierce to a Storm's resist and armor pierce:
Ice, with the full Malistaire gear set, a 15% resist pet, Duelist's Daredevil Ring and Amulet of Divine Influence will have a total of 60% resist and 20% armor pierce. Storm with the same setup will have 49% resist and 34% armor pierce. If you subtract Ice's 60% resist by 34% armor pierce, Ice only has 26% resist to Storm. If you subtract Storm's 49% resist by Ice's 20% armor pierce, Storm has 29% resist to Ice. Due to that calculation, Storm is technically more defensive than Ice since it has 3% more resist vs an Ice wizard compared to an Ice wizard who has 26% resist vs a Storm wizard.
Second of all, Ice has a significantly lower chance to land a critical on Storm than Storm does on Ice. Ice, with the gear said above, only has 55% critical. Storm, on the other hand, has 77% critical. Both schools have 55% block with the setup, which means that since Storm has the same block percentage as Ice's critical percentage, Ice cannot land a critical on a Storm wizard. However, a Storm wizard has a 28% chance to land a critical on an Ice wizard, which is completely unfair.
In conclusion, Ice has no resistance, critical, or critical block advantages on any of the other schools. It technically has lower resist than most schools (due to armor pierce), less damage, less power pip chance, far less armor pierce, critical that can't bypass anybody's block rating, and the same block rating as every other school. I believe that Malistaire gear should give a different amount of critical rating depending on the school, for example, since Storm has the most critical, it will have the least block rating, while since Ice has the least critical it will have the highest block rating out of all the schools. This will help Ice in general become a better school, as it won't just be a 6000 health punching bag like it is right now. It will also fix the unfairness in the critical to critical block ratios between schools, and will even out the entire playing field in the Arena, as stats are unfair right now.
Please. There are nearly 400 ice wizards on the leaderboards, more than any other school. It is the easiest and by far the most overpowered school to play especially at the grandmaster level. The added health balances out for the damage and pierce, much like storm loses quite a bit of health for those two. There is no DoT for storm.
Ice has an edge in some way or another to almost every other school and now you're asking for even more? Compare frostbite to poison and see the damage difference for (basically) the same spell. All of the tier 9 spells for ice come with an effect that can be devastating.
Ice is easily the most overpowered school, life is currently the most disadvantaged, followed by death and balance. You're hyping something up that isn't there.
I swear, some players aren't satisfied with near invincibility in this game, they have to have it all and then some as well.
I disagree with your statement that ice is the weakest school particularly with what I have been seeing in the current meta. Most ices use their tremendous health buffer to great advantage and can further leverage offensive pressure with frostbite moon and weaver. On the defensive end most smart ice's are opting for the teeth of the Lord of Nights which significantly improves their block at the cost of only 5% pierce and a critical rate that we acknowledge is useless to the class.
However what I do agree with is the fact that ice should be receiving more block and that block should be higher in general. The easy solution to this is to add block to the malistaire robes which is the one stat it is missing. The block added to these robes should be tiered per school with storm receiving 30 block on the low end and ice receiving 70 block on the high end.
This person clearly doesn't craft. Just wow. You have ice with resist over 100% and you complain they are the worst? Check the top 1000 board. Check wizards above 60. Check how many are ice. I rest my case.
Please. There are nearly 400 ice wizards on the leaderboards, more than any other school. It is the easiest and by far the most overpowered school to play especially at the grandmaster level. The added health balances out for the damage and pierce, much like storm loses quite a bit of health for those two. There is no DoT for storm.
Ice has an edge in some way or another to almost every other school and now you're asking for even more? Compare frostbite to poison and see the damage difference for (basically) the same spell. All of the tier 9 spells for ice come with an effect that can be devastating.
Ice is easily the most overpowered school, life is currently the most disadvantaged, followed by death and balance. You're hyping something up that isn't there.
I swear, some players aren't satisfied with near invincibility in this game, they have to have it all and then some as well.
Yes, many Ice wizards are present at the leaderboards, but how many of them are Exalted exactly? I counted, and there are only
So, you want to compare Frostbite to Poison? Gladly. Frostbite deals 110 dpp, and Poison deals 119 dpp. Poison, being at a lower pip cost, and dealing more per pips it consumes, is easily a better spell. Ice's aftereffects also aren't "devastating" either, their 9 pip spell leaves a one turn stun, in comparison to Myth's Medusa which leaves a 2 turn stun behind it. Even then, the aftereffect is easily avoided by the use of a Stun Block or Conviction.
I don't see how Life, Death, or Balance have a disadvantage...those are clearly the 3 cheapest schools in top level PvP.
This person clearly doesn't craft. Just wow. You have ice with resist over 100% and you complain they are the worst? Check the top 1000 board. Check wizards above 60. Check how many are ice. I rest my case.
I am not complaining about Ice at level 60, I couldn't care less what level 60 PvP is like right now. The crafted gear has been completely replaced by Hades and Malistaire gear at level 100 by now, I'm not sure what makes you think that dropping your universal resist, power pip chance, health by a few thousand, accuracy, damage, and armor pierce is so good at this meta.
First, the Ice School has the most life then any other school in my opinion ice needs to be nerfed. Second of all i thought it was a joke that Ice has more Health then the school of Life.
This person clearly doesn't craft. Just wow. You have ice with resist over 100% and you complain they are the worst? Check the top 1000 board. Check wizards above 60. Check how many are ice. I rest my case.
Ok first I am a ice wizard and a full level at that I have the state to craft anything in crafting
But it not easy for me o craft because it takes so long and i can't always fined the stuff i need or i going have to battle a boss 50 times and also the 100 gear stuff is truthfully not that helpful sent it only can get to a 100 on storm or fire and having 60 resistance to the rest dose not really help when they rip threw it with the shadow spells i mean just the one shadow spell takes 50 of you block off so that leave you with 10 to myth death life ice balance and 50 to storm and fire so ya the craft stuff a little helpful but not really anymore
also there lots of schools on the leader bored people like to yous ice because of the health and the tower block but it dose not mean that it easy to be ice with are power rate I always had a hard time balding up and getting my stuff to hit hard enough before i die so i think some gear with a little not a lot just a little power boost would be nice and if we could get some gear for ice that had 30 in the shoes 30 in the hat and 20 in the outfit with like resistance because where the block school and are power level being so low really dose make things harder to do
and i like to put this in the new spell i think should be bump down a little in power
also i think we have become more just health school then really a block school even know we have all these cool block spells we still have to pull them up like any other school and by the time we fined are hitting spell it to late because the guy has cast wild bolt to get off all are towers and then hit us with a full bladed storm lord that kills are health and then they finish us before we can recover
i just saying a little gear with good resistance that you could get from you class teacher would be nice because i get tired of farming the place over and over again for gear and crafting i get sick of because i get tired of looking for the stuff taking a hour to fined something over the internet so i can fined what i looking for it be nice if all school got some gear from there teachers that was good like storm power some ok resistance ice good resistance bad power but like epic blocks you see where i going it be nice if we got gear from are teachers once and while that was good kinda like are spells so sure we have to battle a boss and compleat a quest to get the gear but we wouldn't have to farm them and adding this gear could balance out something in the game just a little
i like to point this out not everyone good at this game some don't know where to look for the right gear and end up getting bad gear so this would also help them fined good gear and people to stand a chance in pvp and i think a lot of people would be happy
First, the Ice School has the most life then any other school in my opinion ice needs to be nerfed. Second of all i thought it was a joke that Ice has more Health then the school of Life.
Blaze Storm, Level 38 Magus Sorcerer
first off ice dose not need to be Nerf that's storm. storm gotten to the point where it power is really just to op for the game but that's for another topic
second we need are health more then life sent only thing we get close to a heal spell is snow drift and all that dose and steel a over time heal and we don't got good power.
thried life got so many heals and good health i don't think it really needs anything but a new hit all spell.
last thing is i think some of the people who are posting are vary rude remember respect other as you would respect you self it just a ideal and this just a game.
In my opinion, Ice has become probably the weakest school ever since Hades, and it completely fell down a hopeless pit when Malstaire gear was released. Ever since those two updates, the meta has been a hard driven offense-fest. Well, ever since Hades anyway. Malistaire introduced a whole new stage of PvP - The first to hit hardest wins. I believe that this is the wrong way to lead Wizard101, but I will leave that topic for another discussion.
So, with the new meta games for PvP, Ice has fallen into a stage where it's the slowest, easiest to control, weakest damaging school. Its stats don't even let Ice compare to any of the other schools. You could argue that Ice is still a very defensive school, but let's compare their so called "resist" and armor pierce to a Storm's resist and armor pierce:
Ice, with the full Malistaire gear set, a 15% resist pet, Duelist's Daredevil Ring and Amulet of Divine Influence will have a total of 60% resist and 20% armor pierce. Storm with the same setup will have 49% resist and 34% armor pierce. If you subtract Ice's 60% resist by 34% armor pierce, Ice only has 26% resist to Storm. If you subtract Storm's 49% resist by Ice's 20% armor pierce, Storm has 29% resist to Ice. Due to that calculation, Storm is technically more defensive than Ice since it has 3% more resist vs an Ice wizard compared to an Ice wizard who has 26% resist vs a Storm wizard.
Second of all, Ice has a significantly lower chance to land a critical on Storm than Storm does on Ice. Ice, with the gear said above, only has 55% critical. Storm, on the other hand, has 77% critical. Both schools have 55% block with the setup, which means that since Storm has the same block percentage as Ice's critical percentage, Ice cannot land a critical on a Storm wizard. However, a Storm wizard has a 28% chance to land a critical on an Ice wizard, which is completely unfair.
In conclusion, Ice has no resistance, critical, or critical block advantages on any of the other schools. It technically has lower resist than most schools (due to armor pierce), less damage, less power pip chance, far less armor pierce, critical that can't bypass anybody's block rating, and the same block rating as every other school. I believe that Malistaire gear should give a different amount of critical rating depending on the school, for example, since Storm has the most critical, it will have the least block rating, while since Ice has the least critical it will have the highest block rating out of all the schools. This will help Ice in general become a better school, as it won't just be a 6000 health punching bag like it is right now. It will also fix the unfairness in the critical to critical block ratios between schools, and will even out the entire playing field in the Arena, as stats are unfair right now.
As a Thaumaturge I don't think this is true. Have people forgotten there are great advantages to being a Ice wizard? Including great health, and amazing defenses! Though Ice's attacks I agree are not the best, neither are balances! Balance focuses on traps, wards, and blades. Not many attacks in there, Or life where there are more healing spells then attacks. But that's what secondary schools are for! to strengthen the parts of our own school that are weaker. My secondary school is life and I picked it specifically because of their attacks that together with Ice's make for a good battle, and the ability to heal friends. It's working OK for me cause I also have some fire spells in there that do damage over time. And as to gear, you just need to know where to look to get good gear. Some of the hoard packs in the crown shop such as the ravens hoard pack that focuses on ice/Grizzleheim themed items give great critical strike and block advantages! But for those of us who don't do all their shopping in the crown shop, there are still great drops form bosses that are Ice school only, or clothing to craft! And in case you haven't noticed Ice students take up a VERY LARGE percent of the leaderboards.
80 damage. 64 universal resistance, plus a bonus to fire and storm making it 77 for those. low (74) critical, 344 block, universal. Not even a ward pet, these stats are from gear alone. He could easily have full immunity to three schools with a ward pet and a khrysalis crafted ring and still maintain his high damage.
Show me any other school that can attain these stats and then start a thread complaining. If anything, ice needs a downgrade and the the darkmoor spell looked at. Ice is drastically the most overpowered school at any level.
80 damage. 64 universal resistance, plus a bonus to fire and storm making it 77 for those. low (74) critical, 344 block, universal. Not even a ward pet, these stats are from gear alone. He could easily have full immunity to three schools with a ward pet and a khrysalis crafted ring and still maintain his high damage.
Show me any other school that can attain these stats and then start a thread complaining. If anything, ice needs a downgrade and the the darkmoor spell looked at. Ice is drastically the most overpowered school at any level.
80 damage and 64 universal resistance? And to get 344 block, would that be with the Teeth of the Lord's Night? If so, then the Ice wizard lacks large amounts of armor pierce and critical. I am also assuming that the Ice wizard is using a no critical robe because of the low critical, and definitely not using the Darkmoor gear. If so, then the Ice wizard will lack the following: Healing, armor pierce, power pips, and accuracy. That's not what I would call overpowered, as my Balance wizard has the following: 49 resistance, 104 damage, 363 critical, 243 block, 24 armor piercing, 19 accuracy, 103 pip chance. In comparison to Balance, these stats are not so great.
80 damage and 64 universal resistance? And to get 344 block, would that be with the Teeth of the Lord's Night? If so, then the Ice wizard lacks large amounts of armor pierce and critical. I am also assuming that the Ice wizard is using a no critical robe because of the low critical, and definitely not using the Darkmoor gear. If so, then the Ice wizard will lack the following: Healing, armor pierce, power pips, and accuracy. That's not what I would call overpowered, as my Balance wizard has the following: 49 resistance, 104 damage, 363 critical, 243 block, 24 armor piercing, 19 accuracy, 103 pip chance. In comparison to Balance, these stats are not so great.
He was using the horned helmet, tribal robe, and malistaire boots. Yes his accuracy/critical/pierce was low, but these are all secondary stats that are more than accounted for with his high damage and superb resist. I wear the jade hat and darkmoor gear and still can't get close to that resist and damage combo. Assuming you're hitting a shield (nevermind the 75% the darkmoor spell gives), which you are almost guaranteed to do with ice, your spells will ultimately do less damage than his output, especially with infallible or sleet storm.
This isn't a discussion about balance, but since you brought it up, there is another school that needs to be looked at as well. Giving balance wizards supernova, loremaster and the ability to attain high pierce stats in conjunction with one another is a serious error on KI's part, and I don't need to explain why since you've stated you play as balance.
The schools are supposedly meant to be equal, each having its own counters in some way to another, so the argument that some are severely vulnerable doesn't hold up well. However, if that argument were to be made, ice is the last school on the list for who is most at a disadvantage in the game.
In my opinion, Ice has become probably the weakest school ever since Hades, and it completely fell down a hopeless pit when Malstaire gear was released. Ever since those two updates, the meta has been a hard driven offense-fest. Well, ever since Hades anyway. Malistaire introduced a whole new stage of PvP - The first to hit hardest wins. I believe that this is the wrong way to lead Wizard101, but I will leave that topic for another discussion.
So, with the new meta games for PvP, Ice has fallen into a stage where it's the slowest, easiest to control, weakest damaging school. Its stats don't even let Ice compare to any of the other schools. You could argue that Ice is still a very defensive school, but let's compare their so called "resist" and armor pierce to a Storm's resist and armor pierce:
Ice, with the full Malistaire gear set, a 15% resist pet, Duelist's Daredevil Ring and Amulet of Divine Influence will have a total of 60% resist and 20% armor pierce. Storm with the same setup will have 49% resist and 34% armor pierce. If you subtract Ice's 60% resist by 34% armor pierce, Ice only has 26% resist to Storm. If you subtract Storm's 49% resist by Ice's 20% armor pierce, Storm has 29% resist to Ice. Due to that calculation, Storm is technically more defensive than Ice since it has 3% more resist vs an Ice wizard compared to an Ice wizard who has 26% resist vs a Storm wizard.
Second of all, Ice has a significantly lower chance to land a critical on Storm than Storm does on Ice. Ice, with the gear said above, only has 55% critical. Storm, on the other hand, has 77% critical. Both schools have 55% block with the setup, which means that since Storm has the same block percentage as Ice's critical percentage, Ice cannot land a critical on a Storm wizard. However, a Storm wizard has a 28% chance to land a critical on an Ice wizard, which is completely unfair.
In conclusion, Ice has no resistance, critical, or critical block advantages on any of the other schools. It technically has lower resist than most schools (due to armor pierce), less damage, less power pip chance, far less armor pierce, critical that can't bypass anybody's block rating, and the same block rating as every other school. I believe that Malistaire gear should give a different amount of critical rating depending on the school, for example, since Storm has the most critical, it will have the least block rating, while since Ice has the least critical it will have the highest block rating out of all the schools. This will help Ice in general become a better school, as it won't just be a 6000 health punching bag like it is right now. It will also fix the unfairness in the critical to critical block ratios between schools, and will even out the entire playing field in the Arena, as stats are unfair right now.
i agree. ice needs a boost. ice has a lot of resist which makes others see it as an op school, but that is not the case. take a look at the level one hundred spells. ice's has low attack while the death one and other schools' are large. plus, the ice spell is to one enemy, not all like most of the others'. i agree, pvp king. ice needs a boost.
Please. There are nearly 400 ice wizards on the leaderboards, more than any other school. It is the easiest and by far the most overpowered school to play especially at the grandmaster level. The added health balances out for the damage and pierce, much like storm loses quite a bit of health for those two. There is no DoT for storm.
Ice has an edge in some way or another to almost every other school and now you're asking for even more? Compare frostbite to poison and see the damage difference for (basically) the same spell. All of the tier 9 spells for ice come with an effect that can be devastating.
Ice is easily the most overpowered school, life is currently the most disadvantaged, followed by death and balance. You're hyping something up that isn't there.
I swear, some players aren't satisfied with near invincibility in this game, they have to have it all and then some as well.
you are not adding into account that poison only costs 4 pips where as frostbite costs 5. also thanks to the new shadow spells ice is completely usless in defense even with sentinel. Also if you look carefully many of the ice wizards you find on the leader board are not even near Promethean. They are sticking to the lower levels for when ice was actually worth something.
i agree. ice needs a boost. ice has a lot of resist which makes others see it as an op school, but that is not the case. take a look at the level one hundred spells. ice's has low attack while the death one and other schools' are large. plus, the ice spell is to one enemy, not all like most of the others'. i agree, pvp king. ice needs a boost.
Err... no. Death actually has the weakest spell (830) of that set. Ice has one of the stronger ones with an effect that can almost nullify an incoming attack. Sorry.
Myself, being an ice wizard, believe that our spells are the weakest of all schools. But we have the highest health and defense, which is really useful in a lot of cases. You are comparing Ice's critical and attack to Storm's, which has the highest critical and attack, which makes it unfair to Ice. All schools have their strengths and weaknesses, when Storm's strength is attack and critical and Ice's strength is defense and health. Ice also, has more resistance than most of the schools. Ice has an advantage too because many of the spells they teach us are shields and defensive moves. So I think Ice is equal to every other school. I hope this helped!
Err... no. Death actually has the weakest spell (830) of that set. Ice has one of the stronger ones with an effect that can almost nullify an incoming attack. Sorry.
Make sure you take into thought that the death spell here is a swap and a multi-attack.
Please. There are nearly 400 ice wizards on the leaderboards, more than any other school. It is the easiest and by far the most overpowered school to play especially at the grandmaster level. The added health balances out for the damage and pierce, much like storm loses quite a bit of health for those two. There is no DoT for storm.
Ice has an edge in some way or another to almost every other school and now you're asking for even more? Compare frostbite to poison and see the damage difference for (basically) the same spell. All of the tier 9 spells for ice come with an effect that can be devastating.
Ice is easily the most overpowered school, life is currently the most disadvantaged, followed by death and balance. You're hyping something up that isn't there.
I swear, some players aren't satisfied with near invincibility in this game, they have to have it all and then some as well.
disagree ( wizard underpower) don't win pvp easy (why spell always a tank thing) that there talent and didn't have tank and they can resist something else didn't have tank & resist!
of buccaneer & knight (those class most best tank class better then wizard because they have better damage! buccaneer resist armor pierce!
wizard post have tank that there talent (Note made for offense) unless want have immunity & high damage,high heath but less critical, critical block, armor pierce
so, hard to beat because to rude to there school talent! I say underpower don't have healing spell or don't better spell! can't wait for next AOE for ice school! don't ice won't get there until life get there AOE same thing as)
(I find few wizard going back to immunity) so, now wizard not along with immunity this time!
In my opinion, Ice has become probably the weakest school ever since Hades, and it completely fell down a hopeless pit when Malstaire gear was released. Ever since those two updates, the meta has been a hard driven offense-fest. Well, ever since Hades anyway. Malistaire introduced a whole new stage of PvP - The first to hit hardest wins. I believe that this is the wrong way to lead Wizard101, but I will leave that topic for another discussion.
So, with the new meta games for PvP, Ice has fallen into a stage where it's the slowest, easiest to control, weakest damaging school. Its stats don't even let Ice compare to any of the other schools. You could argue that Ice is still a very defensive school, but let's compare their so called "resist" and armor pierce to a Storm's resist and armor pierce:
Ice, with the full Malistaire gear set, a 15% resist pet, Duelist's Daredevil Ring and Amulet of Divine Influence will have a total of 60% resist and 20% armor pierce. Storm with the same setup will have 49% resist and 34% armor pierce. If you subtract Ice's 60% resist by 34% armor pierce, Ice only has 26% resist to Storm. If you subtract Storm's 49% resist by Ice's 20% armor pierce, Storm has 29% resist to Ice. Due to that calculation, Storm is technically more defensive than Ice since it has 3% more resist vs an Ice wizard compared to an Ice wizard who has 26% resist vs a Storm wizard.
Second of all, Ice has a significantly lower chance to land a critical on Storm than Storm does on Ice. Ice, with the gear said above, only has 55% critical. Storm, on the other hand, has 77% critical. Both schools have 55% block with the setup, which means that since Storm has the same block percentage as Ice's critical percentage, Ice cannot land a critical on a Storm wizard. However, a Storm wizard has a 28% chance to land a critical on an Ice wizard, which is completely unfair.
In conclusion, Ice has no resistance, critical, or critical block advantages on any of the other schools. It technically has lower resist than most schools (due to armor pierce), less damage, less power pip chance, far less armor pierce, critical that can't bypass anybody's block rating, and the same block rating as every other school. I believe that Malistaire gear should give a different amount of critical rating depending on the school, for example, since Storm has the most critical, it will have the least block rating, while since Ice has the least critical it will have the highest block rating out of all the schools. This will help Ice in general become a better school, as it won't just be a 6000 health punching bag like it is right now. It will also fix the unfairness in the critical to critical block ratios between schools, and will even out the entire playing field in the Arena, as stats are unfair right now.
i am an ice student. i believe that we are NOT the weakest school. infact, the ice students are very powerful. Even though we may not have lots of spells, the spells are still VERY powerful.
Yes, many Ice wizards are present at the leaderboards, but how many of them are Exalted exactly? I counted, and there are only
So, you want to compare Frostbite to Poison? Gladly. Frostbite deals 110 dpp, and Poison deals 119 dpp. Poison, being at a lower pip cost, and dealing more per pips it consumes, is easily a better spell. Ice's aftereffects also aren't "devastating" either, their 9 pip spell leaves a one turn stun, in comparison to Myth's Medusa which leaves a 2 turn stun behind it. Even then, the aftereffect is easily avoided by the use of a Stun Block or Conviction.
I don't see how Life, Death, or Balance have a disadvantage...those are clearly the 3 cheapest schools in top level PvP.
I do agree that death and balance become very over powered at exalted and death really becomes gross with the new Darkmoor spell I like to call 'squidward' but all jokes aside I found it very hard to be a balance and death warlord and I am still not one in balance (At level 62). So I think you do not realize that what about from levels 1-80 for death and balance? Those are not very powerful PvP wise. And Ice is PvP ready and dominates the competition from levels 1 - 80 because of their massive tank-like stats. So instead of complaining what Ice does not have at level 100 focus on how they are perfect PvP machines from anything under 80. I was able to get my level 39 magus ice to warlord in a matter of days. If you want a school that will be viable for PvP when he/she reaches exalted, pick something like storm, balance, death, or maybe fire/myth. But do not complain about how ice is weak only ten percent of the time (Because from 1 to 90 they are really good so therefore 90/100 leaves 10%). But I can sympathsize with you because it is a little sudden and odd for KingsIsle to not make good ice gear from level 90 to 100 (Hades gear and latest Darkmoor gear). But this is obviously a sign that they want other schools to shine bright in PvP so it isn't so 'Ice Dominated' so just think of it as that! They always say the glass is half full, not empty. So personally I think you are over reacting over a simple "change in times" Though that is just my take on it.
i am an ice student. i believe that we are NOT the weakest school. infact, the ice students are very powerful. Even though we may not have lots of spells, the spells are still VERY powerful.
I totally agree with you here. I am not ice, but I agree. Ice is not weak. It is very, very strong. Sort of like life. They both may seem weak to people whom are not true ice players, like first wizard ice players. Ice and life both get much stronger in higher levels.