And what happens to those playing in Australia? When it's summer in the US/Europe/Canada, it's winter there, and vice versa.
~ Do remember your dealing with a fictional universe here. It doesn't matter what kind of weather is happening at anytime in any world. Also, this game is hosted on servers in the US. That's why when it's spring here we celebrate spring as well as when Independence day comes we have a vendor for that holiday. So if there's snow in the Commons when the US is experiencing Winter, so what?
The fact that this game is a mmorpg essentially would mean that for people who use the high end graphics, or do not have a proper gaming computer, there would be an extreme lag since there would be more animation and a constantly shifting one at that. So no, i don't think it would be cool to be in a thunderstorm and see bits and pieces of the game thanks.
Day and night would be alright, but i strongly dislike games that have rain. It irritates me so much when it is raining so i would be disappointed if they put that in.
I like the day and night idea ,but the rain irritates me. I also agree with Sokad there would be too much data to process for those who do not have the proper computer or enough data storage.
Sincerely Robert Nightwhisper lvl 94
Well. Well. Well. So Long. Farewell. Until We Meet Again!
Yes, yes, YES! Finally, people who think this is a good idea! It would be an amazing feature if you could set time of day and weather in your house. Obviously, there should be some limits. I mean, it'd be kinda weird if it was snowing in the fire house, haha.
I think these types of weather would be cool: Rain & Thunder (storm) Snow (ice) Cherry Blossom Petals (life) Mythical Mist (myth) Lava Rain (fire) Graveyard Fog (death) Mini Sandstorm (balance)
Time of day should be something like: Sunrise Morning Afternoon Evening Sunset Night Midnight
I totally agree. I think that it would be cool if there was different weather modes for housing, so you can change the weather, day, night for your house. Like, make many different options like light rain, torrent, thunderstorm, high winds, flooding, etc. I had a group of friends that used to like to play games in my house, we would act like Malistare was taking over, and attacking, and I would create darkness with small smoke stacks and rocks from Dragonspyre. I know it probably wouldn't happen, but the most amazing thing I think is if the housing items could interact with the changes in weather. Maybe? :D