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Tips for Myth???

Jul 18, 2010
Hi. My myth wizard is currently lvl 45 in dragonsypre. She has been stuck on the boss Zarathax for MONTHS !!!! I used my cyclops minion but i still died . The minion is myth, and yes I know to use prisms .... I don't know what to myth is meant do soloing but for me Minotaur is weak and I can't wait for orthurus ! I haven't plate on her in so long ....I miss her ... I have dragonsypre gear , but I still can't seem to fight properly.

My hat gives me 132 HP , 7 myth damage , and 13 myth resist
My robe= 300 HP , 4 myth accuracy , and 10 myth damage
Shoes= 3 myth accuracy , 7 myth damage , and 10 ,myth resist
Athame gives me 100 HP and 9 power pip %
Ring gives 110 HP and 10 power pip %
Pet gives me one humongo frog card, which is slightly stronger than real one. (Note: I just got this pet)
Amuelet gives a stronger minotaur spell
Deck I use is deck of the lotus ( I am currently looking for a new one)
Wand also gives me one power pip .....

So that's....
2,032 HP
109 mana
24 myth damage
23 myth resist
7 myth accuracy
55 power pip percent (including 36 as base)

I know I can use tc and ask friends but my is MENT to solo!!! That's why I'm concerned ... Any advice would be much appreciated .... PS I'm not good with making plans so I cannot accept any specific time for help, my schedule is very tight . Thanks

Amber Nightwhisper level 45

Jul 18, 2010
Stormgem307 on Jul 27, 2013 wrote:
Hi. My myth wizard is currently lvl 45 in dragonsypre. She has been stuck on the boss Zarathax for MONTHS !!!! I used my cyclops minion but i still died . The minion is myth, and yes I know to use prisms .... I don't know what to myth is meant do soloing but for me Minotaur is weak and I can't wait for orthurus ! I haven't plate on her in so long ....I miss her ... I have dragonsypre gear , but I still can't seem to fight properly.

My hat gives me 132 HP , 7 myth damage , and 13 myth resist
My robe= 300 HP , 4 myth accuracy , and 10 myth damage
Shoes= 3 myth accuracy , 7 myth damage , and 10 ,myth resist
Athame gives me 100 HP and 9 power pip %
Ring gives 110 HP and 10 power pip %
Pet gives me one humongo frog card, which is slightly stronger than real one. (Note: I just got this pet)
Amuelet gives a stronger minotaur spell
Deck I use is deck of the lotus ( I am currently looking for a new one)
Wand also gives me one power pip .....

So that's....
2,032 HP
109 mana
24 myth damage
23 myth resist
7 myth accuracy
55 power pip percent (including 36 as base)

I know I can use tc and ask friends but my is MENT to solo!!! That's why I'm concerned ... Any advice would be much appreciated .... PS I'm not good with making plans so I cannot accept any specific time for help, my schedule is very tight . Thanks

Amber Nightwhisper level 45

I just beat Zarathax last night with my cyclops minion, used different strategy .
But I still find myself needing to heal with pixie tc. I even bought some!
I can't afford all those pixie tc . I use about 4 pixie tc a boss battle. I try to heal often so my health won't get too low . So... Any other things I should do so I don't have to keep stopping at the store for healing tc? Or anything for gold? ??

Feb 27, 2013
If you have crowns you could try buying henchmen to help you from the crown shop. They're kind of the same idea as Myth minions but with a little more brain power, I think. What I usually try to do is get rid of the boss's minion first, especially if it's a Balance minion. I wish you good luck!

Happy Wizarding


Mar 12, 2013
What secondary schools do you have trained? For instance, if you have death, you could feint him and than single hit into it, or use vampire and ghoul to whittle him down while slowly healing yourself out of mortal danger.

TC feint are cheaper than TC pixie and a vampire into a feint will heal you more.

If your secondary school is life or ice, then use train points to take life to Satyr and/or ice to Tower. These will be useful for many levels and worlds to come.

Another option is use an amulet that gives you a one-hit, not a two-hit, big myth spell. Minotaur's big drawback is if you hit into a prism with it, only the first, low power tap is prism'd and the big damage component is not.

Consider swapping out minotaurs for cyclops + monstrous, or frog + monstrous, or even Ninja Pigs tc. Monstrous, ninja pigs, and even keeper are cheaper than Pixie or Satyr TC.

This will also help your minion hit better, since minion typically attacks into whatever traps or prisms you place for yourself.

An alternative strategy is to use your minion as a renewable source of cheap heals. Each school has a drain power type of spell you can get from Tish'mah or Clancy or some other trainer. Consider using these sparingly if your minion is at higher health than you.

Lastly, tc sharks if you have a lot of white pips to burn. But since everyone in DS spams opposite-school shields like there's no tomorrow, this is probably bad advice.

Jul 04, 2012
Use your secondary scholl. my secondary school is myth so i know the place your in its awful.

Jun 27, 2013
Don't use Cyclops minion. Use Golem Minion. He is 0 pips and is a great shield breaker. He does around 150 damage per round. If he dies you can easily re-summon him.

As for Minotaur, place a prism on the guy you are going to attack before you attack it so you dont have to place 2 traps or blades on him. This will convert the first 50 damage hit into storm so the bigger hit will use the buffs.

Happy Questing - Shawna Legend

Jun 27, 2013
(This is also contributing to my previous post) Train life secondary. Probably up to satyr.

Jun 16, 2011
I suggest buying treasure cards. best for you would be life,storm, and if you want you should use astral spells . use minions if you have any crowns spend them on storm minions and Life minions for the battle!

Elizabeth LVL 59
P.S( treasure cards have ALWAYS helped me and buying crown life minions has always helped me level up that's how I got so far in the game )

Jan 12, 2012
Jul 18, 2010
clay7576 on Aug 3, 2013 wrote:
what is your secondary school
Ok everyone my second school is death sry it took me so long to respond my subscription ended. So I have up to wraith in death and have been saving up training points ever since for astrals. No I do not have a mastery or will get one. Too pricy