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my pet has ability, never casts it??

Jun 28, 2013
I have a beta fish. level mega. maxed out. abilities are as follows
(storm shot 5%)
(critical hitter 19%)
(drop-it, may cast dis-arm)
(energizer battery, may cast healing current)
(storm striker 21% critical)

I never see my pet use healing current or dis-arm. And yes I do have the abilities. I have fought about 20 pvp matches and nothing. from what other members are saying, I can't stand it??!! I read that some pets cast the abilities like every other turn. Can there be something wrong with my program? I think somehow the pet ability is not registering in the program. I have seen things similar during playing. When I am out questing/adventuring, I have had my press x button window disappear from time to time and I had to close sign out and in again to get it to work. So I ask, have you ever heard of this and could there be something wrong with my program? Thank you, Stormkraker

Aug 06, 2009
The may cast abilities are triggered by certain things, so maybe you just dont know how to trigger it.

Jan 21, 2011
If the traits you want it to cast are Epic, the its very rare that they will do it. For example, my Myth Imp will cast Fairy and sprite often but will almost never cast Unicorn. Unicorn is an Epic talent while Fairy is common and sprite is uncommon. I wish you luck!

Blaze Mythmancer Level 89 Myth


Jun 28, 2013
Yes thank you. I do know about the triggers. I am finding out that, for some reason whatever percentages are used to determine this seems lower in the PVP. I noticed that when I am farming for gold, (beating the same bosses over), My pet casts the spells more often. I know Kingsisle will never give us that statistical data! LOL Thank You.
Mark Dragonleaf L-33