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Malistaire, Morganthe, and Sylvia relations

Sep 25, 2010
How these 3 are related and how they all tie together in the last world. I have a theory posted on some other threads about my theory about the backstory of the 3 so i'll post that here and talk about their future.
Before Malistaire met Sylvia, he and Morganthe were happily together. Then it all went wrong Mali (Malistaire) met Sylvia. He knew it was love and left Morganthe (Morg as we will call her). As we all know Sylvia died and Mali got depressed and blinded by his loneliness and love to bring her back. Meanwhile when Mali left Morg she was not angry. She was sad lonely like he was when Sylvia died. Then as Mali died too history repeated itself. Morg fell apart and couldn't stand life without at least seeing Mali. Then she tried to finish what he started take over the spiral. She revives him because Morg still loves him and she wants them to rule their own evil spiral together.

That was my theory about the past and now to the future!!

First before my pure imagination comes a couple guesses. For all we know Mali could have left Morg with an unmentioned child to care for. A child which will play a key role sooner or later. But he was in true love with Sylvia so that's the most likely place to find a child of his. For all we know both could have his children?

Now for imagination!!!! If there is one child then they are a large partner to the next big evil whom i will mention later. If there are multiple children then are fighting over who gets to take down the next big evil and becomes a boss to be faced shortly before the final. The "big evil" that I've been mentioning, i only have a backstory prepared so here it is: A young apprentice of an undecided school decides to try to get ahead of herself (lets call it a her even though i haven't decided on a gender) and attempts to learn a spell far ahead of her level. After many fizzles she finally has a successful casting. However this not the spell she was trying to cast, nor is this some kind of creature or minion. This is something else. It was the summoning of an ancient, evil spirit that was sealed away by bartelby and grandmother raven in the creation of the spiral. The spirit possessed the apprentice and was able to among other wizards without being noticed. This was how it began, the next chapter...

Well those are my thoughts and ideas tell me what you think and feel free to build on them

Scarlet Dragonpetal lvl 90

Dec 03, 2010
You're forgetting one little detail, Morganthe is hundreds of years older than Malistaire. When she appears, for whatever reason that I can't remember, it's because she's been moved forward in time. She then goes on to try out her master plan again in this new time.

Jul 28, 2011
OMG these are really interesting thoughts! That would be so awesome if this were added to the next arc!

Dec 11, 2011
Sep 25, 2010
spoiler alert for what exactly eric? And yes Morganthe's age is a tiny detail i forgot but come on we're wizards in a world of Magic! Anything is possible. I'm glad you guys like my ideas though.

Scarlet Dragonpetal