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Hades is Hogging the Good Stuff

Apr 04, 2013
you just gotta go with the flow that is how the game is it wouldn't be a rare drop if everybody had it. 95

Jul 31, 2011
I agree KI needs to do something to improve Tartarus, or the Aquila dungeons I have already had 5 friends quit or cancel there membership due to extremely poor drops or a system built just on luck. One friend farmed gladiator near 200 times and no ring she also farmed cronus near the same amount of times no athame, and I haven't even gotten to talk about hades. KI you are killing the fun aspect to the game by making it a luck draw at least change it up a bit like my suggestion below to add another depth to dungeons.

I guess for those who get there stuff easy ie before 50 to 100 runs would say its rare gear and needs to be hard to get, I agree and if that's true then why do people get it first drop or within tenth drops, that not rare gear it luck gear.

I suggested to KI about Hades saying something like "oh you must be after my specialized gear to have faced me (say) 50 times (hey it could even be a badge). You will have to battle me in solo combat in my treasure room " (the entrance is the door opposite to the entrance door for the Cerberus battle), you can sneak past Cerberus to get to Hades treasure room in future instance. Four wizard can start the dungeon however only one may enter Hades treasure room at a time ie all four can enter in that dungeon instance however only singularly in Hades treasure room.

The drop rate should be compounded so with every battle you actually are working closer to getting all gear if that what you choose to do.

I say again this gear is suppose to be rare and hard to get and I agree it should be so however at present it not rare gear its luck gear and isn't hard to get if your lucky.

May 15, 2009
I agree entirely. I have spent entire weekends farming in Tartarus and it is only yesterday after countless battles with hades that I finally have gotten his wand. yup you heard me his wands. no hat, no shoes, no robes, not even an amulet. just the wand.

it's getting to the point where I don't even want to try for the hades gear anymore. The only thing keeping the me going is the all the harassment I get from players because I don't have hades gear which they all seemed to have simply snapped their fingers and obtained.

why is it seem like we have players all around us who have gotten very lucky drops, but then there are players who can spend days or weeks farming this guy repeatedly and never get a thing? there is something very wrong with that and it is just frustrating to no end.

I can understand something like the divine amulet or the exalted amulets being very rare drops, but the hades gear should never be this difficult to obtain. you need to cut out the fat... and by fat I mean a large portion of these senator robes which we can pick up a full set from the other bosses like the death satyr and death minotaur easily.

they don't need to be potential drops. it severely cuts down on profits not only for ourselves gear wise, but as many of these that are untradeable, we are stuck with a full backback you gotta quicksell for barely 1/5 of what you'd usually get for gear f that level

Dec 19, 2009
The Flamboyant Arc... on Aug 27, 2013 wrote:
Ok, this is getting insane. I've been farming Tartarus since it came out, spending most of my days doing the same thing over and over again. While I have somehow managed to get the Hades Robe and Boots, which I am very grateful for, after completing my 35th run there, I still have yet to get Hades' Helm of Justice, much less an Exalted Death Amulet or the Amulet of Divine Influence, and that's not nearly as bad as how some of my friends have it. One of my friends has done Tartarus a whopping 62 times, and has yet to get a SINGLE THING. No Hat, no Robe, no Boots, no Wand, not even any of the glass cannon gear. All he's seen after all of his runs is, "200 Gold, Senator's Blah, Aether" Now, the Exalted Amulets and Divine Amulet not dropping? That's understandable. Those are supposed to be rare drops, the Divine Amulet especially, and completely make sense. One is an upgrade of a classic amulet, and the other is probably the most powerful amulet we will ever see for a long time. But the Hades gear being so rare? That's just ridiculous. After 30 levels of waiting for an upgrade to the Waterworks gear, we finally got something slightly better, and it's ridiculously rarer? I know of NO ONE who has had to do Waterworks more than 35 times just to get all of the pieces of their gear. In fact, all of the people I know that do Waterworks constantly seem to have every Mastery Amulet in the game, as well as 4-5 sets of their school gear.

Somehow, it gets worse. An average run of Waterworks? Assuming you don't have the worst team in the world, about 30 minutes to an hour. An average run of Tartarus? 1 and a half hours to 2 and a half hours. I could do double, triple the amount of runs in Waterworks that I'm doing in Tartarus, and I'm sure that by now I would have several shiny new sets of gear to show off for my work. Yet for Tartarus, some people have absolutely nothing to show for their hard work. Tartarus isn't nearly as easy as Waterworks, either. Just finding 4 people to do the whole thing is hard enough. But if you don't pick your teams wisely, you'll end up getting half-way through, giving up on that run, and have just wasted 2 hours of your life.

I think there are a couple different ways to at least make this slightly more bearable. The first idea is to have a Crowns Chest for Hades. I mean, seriously, we have a chest for Nightshade, who takes all of 2 minutes to kill even as a level 10 and whose gear becomes obsolete very quickly, but no chest for the end boss of the hardest dungeon in the game who actually drops good things? That's ridiculous. The second idea is to mess with the drops and drop rates of the Hades fight, and the perfect candidate for this? The Senator's Gear. You get it in every fight of Aquila, everyone's already tired of seeing it, no one wants it, and it would be perfect to remove from the Hades fight. Just doing those 2 things would make life getting Hades Gear much more enjoyable.

Who's with me?!
-Daniel SoulWalker, Promethean
I can't even count how many times i've done it and i've basically gotten repeat gear that I don't want ( Zeus robe, senator gear etc.). All i've ever needed from tartarus was the hades defensive robe ( for me, it's armor of a sorrowful life). I pretty much have gotten almost every single piece of gear BUT that. However it may sound like i'm complaining over nothing, it's about what you actually want, not how much of things you have, in this case, what I want is something I have yet to get. If I could take a guess on how many times i've farmed tartarus is probably 400 and i've been farming since december. Kingsisle needs to remove senators gear and raise the drop rates of tartarus gear by a lot. For example, I used to have a friend who I did tartarus runs with. Every run, he would get a piece of gear he wanted. Suddenly, he didn't feel the need to do runs with me anymore because he basically got four desirable pieces of gear in a single day. Here I am almost half a year later just to get one desirable piece.

Tristan Winterflame, Exalted

Dec 29, 2012
Spiral emperor on Aug 28, 2013 wrote:
Wait! Amulet? Huh? What do you mean? What is this, divine amulet of influence that you speak of? And I agree with you. The hades gear shouldn't be absolutely impossible to get. I get lucky with some drops, waterworks included, but the way your saying it, it's like hades gear is just a dream. A mirage. They should either put a crowns chest into the equation, or remove the possibility of getting the really awful gear. Or both. But the hades gear and items are supposed to be rare. It shouldn't be easy to get this stuff. Not a walk in the park at all.
It isnt a walk in the park. But it shouldnt be too hard either. Im lvl 94 with no drops of Hades gear. Guess how many times I've farmed? 837 times. on the dot. It should be hard, dont get me wrong, but not so hard it takes more than 800 farms to get.

Jan 05, 2011
Ok I've done Tartarus 100 times now luckly I can normally take 2 storms with me so the runs take an hour and a half. But nothing for 200 hours of dedication? This is crazy I dont understand why "KI" doesnt make like another "cave" in aqulia that has just hades awaiting you in it like a rematch kinda thing. Those blasted drops geez. I am in despreat need of the "WW" upgrade gear for death as right now what i have is killing me (Fyi level 70 posiden robe its horrible stats for death) So there has to be another way! Bring us the Justice we diserve "KI" you can't lose out of it. we're all going to keep paying for or membership or its all ready purchesed with crowns.

Nicholas-lvl 91
Tartarus run every friday at 8'o'clock central time. meet realm scarecrow area one,

Jan 05, 2011
Balance princess on Jan 15, 2014 wrote:
Everyone's here talking about hades while I look for a group of people to farm Zeus for a lightning striker.
the level 30 zeus?

cause i'm in my ice still needs his boots

Jun 11, 2011
There should have a boss you can just go to and farm for gear not doing a entire dungeon and getting a 1% chance in getting hades gear

Aug 29, 2011
I totally agree. I have done Hades at least 30 times and I haven't gotten Blade of the Felled Titan or Amulet of Divine Influence yet.

Nov 11, 2011
The Flamboyant Arc... on Aug 27, 2013 wrote:
Ok, this is getting insane. I've been farming Tartarus since it came out, spending most of my days doing the same thing over and over again. While I have somehow managed to get the Hades Robe and Boots, which I am very grateful for, after completing my 35th run there, I still have yet to get Hades' Helm of Justice, much less an Exalted Death Amulet or the Amulet of Divine Influence, and that's not nearly as bad as how some of my friends have it. One of my friends has done Tartarus a whopping 62 times, and has yet to get a SINGLE THING. No Hat, no Robe, no Boots, no Wand, not even any of the glass cannon gear. All he's seen after all of his runs is, "200 Gold, Senator's Blah, Aether" Now, the Exalted Amulets and Divine Amulet not dropping? That's understandable. Those are supposed to be rare drops, the Divine Amulet especially, and completely make sense. One is an upgrade of a classic amulet, and the other is probably the most powerful amulet we will ever see for a long time. But the Hades gear being so rare? That's just ridiculous. After 30 levels of waiting for an upgrade to the Waterworks gear, we finally got something slightly better, and it's ridiculously rarer? I know of NO ONE who has had to do Waterworks more than 35 times just to get all of the pieces of their gear. In fact, all of the people I know that do Waterworks constantly seem to have every Mastery Amulet in the game, as well as 4-5 sets of their school gear.

Somehow, it gets worse. An average run of Waterworks? Assuming you don't have the worst team in the world, about 30 minutes to an hour. An average run of Tartarus? 1 and a half hours to 2 and a half hours. I could do double, triple the amount of runs in Waterworks that I'm doing in Tartarus, and I'm sure that by now I would have several shiny new sets of gear to show off for my work. Yet for Tartarus, some people have absolutely nothing to show for their hard work. Tartarus isn't nearly as easy as Waterworks, either. Just finding 4 people to do the whole thing is hard enough. But if you don't pick your teams wisely, you'll end up getting half-way through, giving up on that run, and have just wasted 2 hours of your life.

I think there are a couple different ways to at least make this slightly more bearable. The first idea is to have a Crowns Chest for Hades. I mean, seriously, we have a chest for Nightshade, who takes all of 2 minutes to kill even as a level 10 and whose gear becomes obsolete very quickly, but no chest for the end boss of the hardest dungeon in the game who actually drops good things? That's ridiculous. The second idea is to mess with the drops and drop rates of the Hades fight, and the perfect candidate for this? The Senator's Gear. You get it in every fight of Aquila, everyone's already tired of seeing it, no one wants it, and it would be perfect to remove from the Hades fight. Just doing those 2 things would make life getting Hades Gear much more enjoyable.

Who's with me?!
-Daniel SoulWalker, Promethean
I understand you man ts hard

Nov 16, 2012
first time i defeated hades i got the robe, its so awesome

May 10, 2013
The Flamboyant Arc... on Aug 27, 2013 wrote:
Ok, this is getting insane. I've been farming Tartarus since it came out, spending most of my days doing the same thing over and over again. While I have somehow managed to get the Hades Robe and Boots, which I am very grateful for, after completing my 35th run there, I still have yet to get Hades' Helm of Justice, much less an Exalted Death Amulet or the Amulet of Divine Influence, and that's not nearly as bad as how some of my friends have it. One of my friends has done Tartarus a whopping 62 times, and has yet to get a SINGLE THING. No Hat, no Robe, no Boots, no Wand, not even any of the glass cannon gear. All he's seen after all of his runs is, "200 Gold, Senator's Blah, Aether" Now, the Exalted Amulets and Divine Amulet not dropping? That's understandable. Those are supposed to be rare drops, the Divine Amulet especially, and completely make sense. One is an upgrade of a classic amulet, and the other is probably the most powerful amulet we will ever see for a long time. But the Hades gear being so rare? That's just ridiculous. After 30 levels of waiting for an upgrade to the Waterworks gear, we finally got something slightly better, and it's ridiculously rarer? I know of NO ONE who has had to do Waterworks more than 35 times just to get all of the pieces of their gear. In fact, all of the people I know that do Waterworks constantly seem to have every Mastery Amulet in the game, as well as 4-5 sets of their school gear.

Somehow, it gets worse. An average run of Waterworks? Assuming you don't have the worst team in the world, about 30 minutes to an hour. An average run of Tartarus? 1 and a half hours to 2 and a half hours. I could do double, triple the amount of runs in Waterworks that I'm doing in Tartarus, and I'm sure that by now I would have several shiny new sets of gear to show off for my work. Yet for Tartarus, some people have absolutely nothing to show for their hard work. Tartarus isn't nearly as easy as Waterworks, either. Just finding 4 people to do the whole thing is hard enough. But if you don't pick your teams wisely, you'll end up getting half-way through, giving up on that run, and have just wasted 2 hours of your life.

I think there are a couple different ways to at least make this slightly more bearable. The first idea is to have a Crowns Chest for Hades. I mean, seriously, we have a chest for Nightshade, who takes all of 2 minutes to kill even as a level 10 and whose gear becomes obsolete very quickly, but no chest for the end boss of the hardest dungeon in the game who actually drops good things? That's ridiculous. The second idea is to mess with the drops and drop rates of the Hades fight, and the perfect candidate for this? The Senator's Gear. You get it in every fight of Aquila, everyone's already tired of seeing it, no one wants it, and it would be perfect to remove from the Hades fight. Just doing those 2 things would make life getting Hades Gear much more enjoyable.

Who's with me?!
-Daniel SoulWalker, Promethean
Chill bro.

Hades' drops are rare.

Now, for my storm level 100, I got the Zeus Hood, Hades Wand (from Cronus) and boots, and Posedion Robe.

For my balance level 96 however, I haven't managed to get the gear after 239 times.

A "Hades Luck Factor" elixir would be nice, Kingsisle.

@Nicholas Shadow:
I strongly disagree. The robe gives 60 critical, which is good in Avalon because they will be less likely to block.

Mar 03, 2012
Everything you said I agree but I guess we have to get used to Hades gear being ridiculously rare. The Same thing happened with Morganthe, the drop rates are unbelievably low. We just have to keep trying to farm and get lucky somehow.

Mar 16, 2009
May 08, 2011
Aug 07, 2012
That entire dungeon is getting ridiculous I've just finished my 35th run on the quest for any Hades gear and have not obtained anything but the boots and the wand I obtained from Cronus. The first few runs I can understand I don't want anything that is to easy to get, but if I go in with a group of people and they have never done the dungeon before after my failed attempts and they get the robes the hats and amulets I think something is up. I admit my first few runs being life I was argued down into being a healer but after realizing that if I go through and only heal all I get is Senators gear and some stupid Treasure Cards and I for one don't think its fair. If I do just as much work as everyone else keeping them alive why would do I get the worst of the crop. The gear here seems to me to be impossible to obtain and I feel like all my time is being wasted on a lost cause. I think some changes need to be done and even a crowns chest would be nice especially if I spend most of my free money investing into the game.

Hunter Dragongrove Level 98.

Mar 21, 2011
I agree it insane the drop rate and I have an idea that might not happen but I think is good, make it worth the trouble. Boost the gear stats some or give it some seriously overpowered card or whatever. If it's gonna be so hard to get might as well make it worth it. -Adam Duskwraith Still level 90

Mar 27, 2011
Skip it if you don't like farming there. There's nothing there you need.

Dec 24, 2008
I feel your pain. I know is all luck but it doesn't make sense. I have a storm and death. Both got complete sets of defensive and offensive gear. My storm got full defensive gear set in 3 runs -___- 3!!! My death took about 10 runs. Now I'm trying to farm for my fire.... NOTHING 16 runs so far NADA, only a wand, no robe, no hat, no boots whatsoever..... I know is by luck but seriously that's waaaay off. -__- i'm starting to give up farming hades for my fire :/