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Real cards

Jan 28, 2009
I had an idea about have like real life trading cards it would be like the best thing ever like card packs you buy at a store like one pack for like ice pack card levels foe levels 1-30 and 30-60 and then 60-90 (includes cards for quest spells) and then like tresure card packs and astral spell packs I hope I get feed back and any one elese who likes my idea, the creators decide the price!

-Sincerely Brandon Stormforge (lvl. 64 ice) and Logan Sunpetal (lvl 33 life)

Feb 19, 2010
BrandonStormForge on Mar 11, 2013 wrote:
I had an idea about have like real life trading cards it would be like the best thing ever like card packs you buy at a store like one pack for like ice pack card levels foe levels 1-30 and 30-60 and then 60-90 (includes cards for quest spells) and then like tresure card packs and astral spell packs I hope I get feed back and any one elese who likes my idea, the creators decide the price!

-Sincerely Brandon Stormforge (lvl. 64 ice) and Logan Sunpetal (lvl 33 life)
They could make more money if they would expand to an actual card game along with the pc game but this would require more money to produce.
Alot of games have done this and did ok with it but some also have failed with it as well.
If they would consider this i hope that any rarities in the actual card packs could be transfered into the game via code.

Jun 12, 2011
nullthis is a good idea with this people wouldnt need a computer to play! they could just get out the cards and fight mobs or bosses their choice it would be epic!!!!!!!

Feb 27, 2009
You should get free spells depending if it's from your school of magic or not and you can get the astral spells and even put them on your noobies :D I'm not a noob but this would make the noobs happy and it could come with mounts, pack codes, a extra slot for a new wiz, other several cool things that players want.