Re: Lower levels deserve access to crafted spells.
Pumpkin Wizard on Jan 18, 2016 wrote:
to be entirely fair, honestly I would make a death character, work very hard on him to beat zafaria crafting, and then quest with deer knight to help me get through worlds, this does not only have to do with pvp. I am suggesting that they separate content instead of linking it all together. The amount of work put into crafting should have the same result. A level 50 with loremaster? There are tons of them, most of them have hours upon hours to spend on the game, what if you are a casual player? Of course you could get lucky and get the spell on your second try or something like that, but for most casual players crafting is the much more viable option. I am requesting that you unthread crafting from the story line so other players who don't have as much time to play the game can try out these elements too. I don't think this is much to ask for and I also think it makes a lot of sense.
See, here's the thing that I ran into while playing my death:
I never carried spells that didnt life sap. I found them to be a waste of pips. my thought process was, and still is, if you're not healing when you're hitting, you're doing it wrong. That's MY play style, not yours. And yes, I crafted Deer Knight, and yes, it is, and can be a useful spell.
I totally agree that crafting is a more viable option than sinking in tons of hours trying to get the drop or farming the heck out of the crown shop blowing hundreds of dollars in crowns getting it. unfortunately, KI's patented response has always been, "time or money young wizard".
My arguement for being able to craft them sooner was always from the standpoint of it being silly having to wait till we get our rank 8 spells before being able to craft a rank 5 spell, which was met with the "that's because these spells are stronger and only for PvP" mentality.