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Aquila: Huge hydra peeking over doors

Aug 11, 2013
Hi. Is it just me, or is everyone else seeing the huge golden hydra peeking over the door, to the left of Olympus. I found out that apparently the hydra thing is named Ladon (in Greek mythology) and he protects a golden apple tree in the Garden Hesperades.
You can clearly see a tree in the distance next to the Ladon, and also there is a symbol of golden apples.

I am sure I am not the only one, but I really want those golden apples lol. If any high lvl out there knows what is behind those doors, plz respond I am really curious.

--Duncan DeathCaster

Aug 04, 2014
there hasn't been any quest to my knowledge where you find out. ki did say there might be and expansion though. maybe if we wait we will see some expansion where that will be made a dungeon

Samantha Willowdreamer
lvl 100
lvl 91 '
lvl 38