I would like to discuss upper level PVP, and the ability for players to get (what I consider) good critical block. At levels 91 and above, there should be some way to have decent critical block. Having a Critcal block of 250 is simply not enough in the current high level pvp game. To be able to block Critical ratings of 500 plus, you need at least 300 Critical block to have a chance. In my opinion, the only Wand that can help fulfill this is the Teeth of the Lords Night. Can you either make this wand easy to get in the pack, or can you give us a Boss to try to get this wand. This wand at level 100 seems to be a very very rare drop. It should be a easy drop, as it is so needed in the game for a defensive player.
I decided to try to get this wand for my Level 100 Ice, and spent 55,000 crown, and not one Teeth of the Lords Night dropped. So, either I was very very unlucky, or it's a very very rare drop, which it should not be.
I can understand why so many go to Jade gear, they have no easy way to block these 500 plus rated criticals headed their way. Maybe making a wand that give a 165 or 170 block, with 45 attack, at level 100 would help Wizard get away from Jade gear.
Please consider this or something like this, as a large value for critical block is at this point in time, very important for PVP.
Having a Critical Block of 250 will block 65-69% of the time, depending on your level. The higher your level the lower the block %. You don't need 300 for a chance to block.
Having a Critical Block of 250 will block 65-69% of the time, depending on your level. The higher your level the lower the block %. You don't need 300 for a chance to block.
Your are correct, the Higher the Level.. the lower the block percetange is, and that is exactly why I tied in Level 91 and higher. With the massive hits in the game, you need to be able to block out at least 3 of 4 criticals, to survive long enough to have a chance. You do need a 300 to survive a Storm with 530 plus, or a Fire with 500 plus. Either way, even with a Block level of 250, you still need the Teeth of the Lords night. I will agree, at level 80, a 250 block is fine, and maybe even at 90, but it would be on the edge. The larger the block, a single items give, the higher percentage it blocks, proven by Duelist.
The lack of block has even been brought up on Duelist, so what I am saying is nothing new.
Point in fact, I feel that KI has made the wand to hard to attain. Not everyone want to play the critical game, and be extremely offensive. I enjoy the balanced approach, which many seem to not.
I totally agree with you, people should get better block rating to block each and every spell.
anyways ice have immunity against us [storm], why not give everyone good block rating?
dude, make some sense, then whats the point of being a storm with 500 block if everyone blocks?
It could be your lack of understanding how critical and block work, that makes you ask me, to make some sense. I would suggest that you go ot the Duelist site, and read up on many of the comments that have been made, since the release of the new world.
At 300 Critcal Block, you are droppoing your Critical rate to under 45% in most cases, (with the current available gear). With your defense set up this way, you almost have to lose Universal resist, which will be down around 35% or lower. Again, opening up the chance that a Critical bolt spammer, etc, or a Fire using Power Link, can take you down quickly.
While at 500 or more critical, you are pounding out criticals at close to 80% of the time. At best, a person with 300 block is only going to block 70% or less of the Critical being cast wtih someone with 500 or more Critical. I do not feel that asking for the option of having 300 block in the game is that unfair.
The Teeth of the Lords Night is the only Wand available that could help in this setup. At this point in time, KI has made it almost impossible to attain. I just feel that a defensive/Offensvie Wizard should be given a better option.
Having a Critical Block of 250 will block 65-69% of the time, depending on your level. The higher your level the lower the block %. You don't need 300 for a chance to block.
"You don't need 300 for a chance to block."
When I said "chance", I actually meant a "chance to survive", not a chance to block. I realized too late that people would misundertand this, and am now correcting it here.
I would like to discuss upper level PVP, and the ability for players to get (what I consider) good critical block. At levels 91 and above, there should be some way to have decent critical block. Having a Critcal block of 250 is simply not enough in the current high level pvp game. To be able to block Critical ratings of 500 plus, you need at least 300 Critical block to have a chance. In my opinion, the only Wand that can help fulfill this is the Teeth of the Lords Night. Can you either make this wand easy to get in the pack, or can you give us a Boss to try to get this wand. This wand at level 100 seems to be a very very rare drop. It should be a easy drop, as it is so needed in the game for a defensive player.
I decided to try to get this wand for my Level 100 Ice, and spent 55,000 crown, and not one Teeth of the Lords Night dropped. So, either I was very very unlucky, or it's a very very rare drop, which it should not be.
I can understand why so many go to Jade gear, they have no easy way to block these 500 plus rated criticals headed their way. Maybe making a wand that give a 165 or 170 block, with 45 attack, at level 100 would help Wizard get away from Jade gear.
Please consider this or something like this, as a large value for critical block is at this point in time, very important for PVP.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I disagree, if you make that wand available to everyone, then it also helps the Jades, and they don't need any help at all.