I just finished Stone Town and I am on Drum Jungle. But I don't get this! The Black Tusks and the Musoth Beserkers had 1,615 health and 1,915 health. Now the first people in Drum Jungle have 3,050 health. The people you fight to get to Khrysalis have 4200, and that is 1150 health over 3 worlds! Why is their health so high? I don't get it, and plus they're life and I am too so I can't defeat them!
My hat is off to you first of all for leveling a Life school wizard, as it probably requires more patience and strategy than some others. Your OP's theme is mostly frustration and doesn't offer up much in the way of your Level, gear, play style, strengths/resistances etc. This is helpful in others assisting you with strategies that assure victory in the dueling circle.
Now as to your question of why the large health pool for mobs; the answer is Critical Hit. You have the capability to do double damage with your spells, and with your applied Blades/Traps that is potentially a lot of damage, so the health pools of street mobs and bosses must be increased to counter this.
I'm sure you used a Prism, or Mass Prism spell in your leveling to get to your current progression in Wizards, and I suggest you continue to use it to maximize your damage to the Life school mobs.
If you play on a lower population Realm, you may want to consider switching to a busier one temporarily for added assistance, and the opportunity to make a friend or two.
I hope this helped you Death, and best of luck to you.
Dude this stuff happens sometimes. Zafaria is easy in every single part except the beginning and end of drum jungle. My life just hired a high lvl storm to come over with me and rough em' up a bit while i healed him as he needed it. You could do that, or you could make sure you have colossal, and take your time blading, converting (and trapping if you have low damage) and using lord.
Nicholas Ravenblood 95 Seth Lifeblood 81 Nicholas Storm 74 Alexander 45 Jonathan 12 PVP Warlord
I just finished Stone Town and I am on Drum Jungle. But I don't get this! The Black Tusks and the Musoth Beserkers had 1,615 health and 1,915 health. Now the first people in Drum Jungle have 3,050 health. The people you fight to get to Khrysalis have 4200, and that is 1150 health over 3 worlds! Why is their health so high? I don't get it, and plus they're life and I am too so I can't defeat them!
I just started Drum Jungle with my Pyromancer, level 72. For me the worst part of Zafaria was the Savannah, due to the poor drop rate for the Fire Lion Ravagers and that horrible "Collect 8 staffs" quest. After not playing for months due to frustration, I finally picked it back up and finished it. I have since learned that KI did, in fact, improve the drop rate somewhat, but one thing that helped me in that quest was finally figuring out one secret about decks, which may apply to your problem.
Simply put: don't fill up your deck just because you can. Especially for mob fights when they tend to be predictable, put only a few cards in your deck - maybe 2 each of blades, 4 prisms (since you're fighting your same school), 2 Forest Lords, and some heals (2-3 satyrs). Adjust as necessary, but try to keep it minimal so you get your prisms early. If your power pip chance is high enough, you should be casting Forest Lord after 2 prisms and a blade, and possibly a star-school aura (I like Empowerment, to build up pips faster). The goal is "fewest rounds possible."
I think those first mobs have tons of health specifically because they are life-school - it fits with the general pattern, life & ice tend to have the highest HP. It's just rotten luck that you can't get the mass prism spell until you get to Avalon. Good luck! Keep in mind that many people are happy to have a life wizard to go questing with, so you can also teleport to a more crowded area & ask around to see if anyone wants to team up.