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Add Nolan and Gate to Name List

Oct 17, 2012
Hi Kingsisle and fellow Wizards!

My name is Nolan, well in real life, not Wizard101 and thats why I'm here. I want Kingsisle to add Nolan and Gate to the name list. Nolan as a first name and Gate for the last part of the last name. Please help me out and quickly add something to the game, that would make me so happy. Thank you everyone for reading and I also Tweeted @Wizard101 and @Kingsisle to help me out. Alright thanks.

- Nolan (Wizard Name: Hopefully Nolan StormGate)

May 12, 2009
One thing I could see as a reason why they wouldn't add those is due to the fact there already is a Nolan StormGate. He is a Myth wizard in Cyclops Lane. I'm sorry. Nice thought though!
~Shannon Skybreaker

Oct 24, 2010
Shannon Skybreaker on Mar 6, 2013 wrote:
One thing I could see as a reason why they wouldn't add those is due to the fact there already is a Nolan StormGate. He is a Myth wizard in Cyclops Lane. I'm sorry. Nice thought though!
~Shannon Skybreaker
True, but I've seen other wizards with the same name as some of the characters in the game. So it's a valid suggestion.

Oct 17, 2012
It's okay guys. I made a new character and I don't need it any more, but thanks anyway and yes Shannon I already know that there is an NPC in cyclops lane, I'm not dumb...