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Morganthe Drops

Feb 29, 2012
I got the athame from morganthe and am a wizard. Compared to you guys I most likely have farmed nothing I'm certain I'm only in the 100s or less. but what I have to say is, the drop rates are low, a lot of people have a problem with it but I honestly wonder. Are all our complaints falling into some unheard void or is something actually being told to someone in KI. I've seen a few really well said complaints on these message boards and very few times I have seen someone from KI reply why this can't be. I'd like to either see a response explain why this wont be done or at least know these well fought-for complaints are being at least shown to people who plan the updates.

We as the customers should be consented since we are a source of money.

Jul 10, 2009
@Robobot1747- I know the feeling. It took me less then 5 battles to get two of the pets my brother took one day to get one of.

@Northlite- All but one person on this thread has been with you guys about how low the drop rate is. I highly doubt enough people to change KI's opinion look forward to farming.

@Windrunner585 and @Kingisle- I'm sorry to say that this kind of thing seems to be on the rise. As my brother says, Free to Play, Pay to Win. Games have a tendency to die when their developers get greedy.

Haley MoonHeart, Promethean Thaumagture

May 09, 2010
Ikr, Kingsisle either never plays their games. Or they are just really lucky with drops.

Oct 11, 2010
hades and morganthe hmm two camps i have not done in at least 5-6 months when i canceled my subscription. I dont need the drops but i want them, i will not farm them anymore the system is just dumb. lore master is a more fair camp in compairsion i have all the spells on multiple wizards and people complain about that too.

so they made morganthe a single fight boss with a just so unfair drop rate setting its about the same odds to not fight the boss to fight it. I have done it all in this game anyways solo every map in the game without crown support except spirial cup have not even bothered to waste my time on that one i bet i can solo that on max too. made perfect custom pets dozens of them. crafted all the end game stuff, made many wizards into warlords with gear etc.

its like hitting the lottery for the drop you want, whats the point? there are older games like EQ that have been around way longer with much more fair drop systems. I love when eq has there yearly annivarsary month fabled bosses show up with super rare upgraded drops any class can use. Hello KI hint hint? or um up the current drop rate by 500% so we have at least a 5 % chance to get the class gear we want?

Mar 17, 2014
Death Eater on May 27, 2014 wrote:
Really think the drop rates need to be raised some what. i have been farming the last 2 weeks and i havent gotten anything for my storm/fire/death characters at all. i farm everyday for hours and it seems hopeless. im a grown adult, farming her is more stressful than my job it seems, please KI do something about this. i know im not the only one who thinks this. seen several posts on another central aswell
I feel bad for the people who struggle to get there school amulet because i got mine first try maybe i can help give a time and realm and i will come :)