The following minor game updates were added to Wizard101 on February 12th 2014
The Dark Fairy minion who accompanies Rattlebones will have her health reduced to match other Dark Fairies in Unicorn Way
The pet spell "May Cast Fairy" will now cast with the same frequency as the pet spell "Spritely"
A few individuals (approximately 150 people) with erroneous PvP score rankings (negative numbers, impossible loss rates, for example) have had their rankings adjusted. If this impacts you, and you want to know more about why your score was adjusted, send an email to our team at
Grinding down the grind - Celestia, Zafaria, Avalon, Azteca & Khrysalis have all had their minimum level entry requirement reduced. See the chart below
Will the level requirement for any of the Training Point quests be adjusted also? I imagine the Zeke quests are triggered by entering those worlds but I was thinking more about the ones that are available from other TP quests. Thanks!
Didn't you recently make adjustments to spritely as well? I am very confused. Spritely has been around for years, fairy friend has been in game for over a year. Considering many of us invest "real" money to train our pets. I would like to know why these where changed to begin with.
So far we have recieved zero communication as to why these changes are happening. We are left with knowing only that a pet talent has been "updated" to simulate anothers cast rate, which has also been "updated". Hmmmm. not a lot of confidence going on there for me.
Ok, I don't really understand. How have people been under leveled after celestia. The last time I was underleveled was by 1 level at the end of celestia. I haven't been since, I don't see a need for this. Yes, before celestia being underleveled was sort of normal. I just don't understand, can you explain why you did this, thanks.
The following minor game updates were added to Wizard101 on February 12th 2014
The Dark Fairy minion who accompanies Rattlebones will have her health reduced to match other Dark Fairies in Unicorn Way
The pet spell "May Cast Fairy" will now cast with the same frequency as the pet spell "Spritely"
A few individuals (approximately 150 people) with erroneous PvP score rankings (negative numbers, impossible loss rates, for example) have had their rankings adjusted. If this impacts you, and you want to know more about why your score was adjusted, send an email to our team at
Grinding down the grind - Celestia, Zafaria, Avalon, Azteca & Khrysalis have all had their minimum level entry requirement reduced. See the chart below
OK I have a question. Did you also adjust criticals again? cause I am not casting any with critical of 395, and I am blocking criticals of over 400. when my block is less than a 100? you know I see the need to adjust oversights, but come on. I spend real money on this game. I spend real money on the gear. Are you trying to make everyone equal? or what? lets give all our gear to less fortunate wizards that should solve it. everytime they update I loose more and more interest in this game.
Great update, thank you, can you give us some info on level 95's in the arena vs lower ranked players.
There is no way to get enough critical block to prevent them from critting even with conviction up.
That's funny, Because I have 559 critical and I get blocked by people that have 17% block all the time. even main bosses block me when they never use to so who is getting cheated?
Will this reduce or increase the Fairy Friend cast rate?
From what I have seen from the cast rate of Fairy Friend to Spritely it will reduce Fairy Friend to match the lower casting rate of Spritely. I do not PVP so this is observation of in the field game play.
Keep in mind and remember - with a past update Spritely was reduced and does not seem to be as effective of a healing talent now. We have some pets that do not cast Spritely over several hours of game play when they used to before the adjustment, sorry Forest Lord you are no longer my Fav pet, go play in my yard now. You can call it just bad luck for me now? I call it a lot of my time wasted on a watered down talent. I can't really complain because I did not invest any real money into the talent. I started it way back when the Massive castle came out and used my Fierce Hound mainly for hatching it into other pets. If I had invested money well, get out the gloves we are going to dance .
I am going to continue to see how this all pans out and adjust our pet training accordingly? I currently was able to snag a hatch with a pet that had Fairy Friend and am rehatching to expose the talent - after 10 hatches it has shown up oddly with Spritely by adult on a lowly starfish. Since this game change of healing in general I am not feeding any of my pets over level 7-8 pet snacks and will have to incorporate test realm for further training of my older pets. I feel extremely sorry for those who have some much time and money into this talent to have it taken away from them. All I can say is consider your spending habits in game and realize it is the equivalent of opening window and tossing it out when you buy virtual items.
Oh my goodness, thank you so much! My level 45 character finished Dragonspyre months ago, and it's taken me forever to attempt to get her to level 48 so I could finally enter Celestia. But now that the minimum level requirement has decreased, I can go to Celestia now even though I'm still level 45. This is fantastic! It's especially convenient as I just reached the level cap and finished the game (for now) in Pirate101 -- now I can come back to Wizard101 since I can work on the main storyline quest. Once again, thank you so much!
this pet change really messed my pet up ;( it use to cast fairy a lot - now I only get very few fairy and mostly unicorn thx for this update - all that time wasted and now start over grrrrrr!
So we would be level 44 to be in celestia now? I don't get this
I think the new wave of players do not do side quests so would like the option to enter worlds earlier or to many where bottle necked trying to get into Celestia?
I am not sure this is going to work out as at level 44 you have quite a while before you can build critical and block into you gear to get out the other side of CL.
They did this because not a lot of people did grizzelheim or wintertusk, so they didnt gain exp from thoise worlds, and when people wanted to start celestia, they would still be like level 46
of the dozen pets I have 0, none, have thrown a heal since this crazy update. As a matter of fact the cards that my pets have are not showing up. How long till they reset it back to the 1st of the month? I wanted healing pets, not a blob that hangs out and does nothing.
no offense but i think the new level requirements are too low. Players should be able to start Khrysalis at level 88 not level 85. Also level 75 players would not be able to handle atzeca. I was a level 88 and could barely deal with the weakness spam on bosses and the 2 school masterys. Plus spritely casts so much more than fairy friend. So why would you have fairy cast more if people keep complaining about how much it gets cast in pvp. That is just stupid. And if your going to incrase the effect of fairy friends you might as well increase unicorn and healing current so that the people with only healing pets can never die in pvp. You should really just lower the healing talents in pvp because its just to much.
Will this reduce or increase the Fairy Friend cast rate?
It will reduce the rate. pvp players complained that it was making it harder to win at pvp. I like a lot of other players put a lot of real money to get fairy pet talent. change the rate for pvp only?
So, does this mean a massive flood of under-powered and under-prepared wizards in challenging areas, like Wintertusk, Azteca and Khrysalis? 'Cause babysitting the less-than-motivated wizards for whom this update is targeted is not my idea of fun.
I do hope they will be given some nice, free, high quality gear to help them skip half the game.
Gee, thanks Kings Isle. Glad my time here is nearly over.