well since we have two spells that do triple types of school damage (hydra and chimera), why not do one that has all schools damage, and hits every enemy, but there's a twist to not make it op.
Balance Council: A council with a representative from each school meets then decides what type of damage all enemies will receive. Then a random member will step forward and hit every enemy with damage from that school. This spell will only deal 610-845 of ,,,,,, or damage to all enemies (only on school that is chosen) . Not sure if ,, and should be included (no reason really).
This would be a great idea for balance players ;however, many of them don't like spells like chimera or Hydra. I i,in my opinion , would like a Balance wiz for this spell
When to demons meet there is no backing down , JEFFnJANE , Jeremy Darksmith 87