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Mar 12, 2011
I'm a level 51 and I've just recently begun to critical every once in a while. I have no clue how it works, though.
Can someone explain this to me in a simple way? Like, what happens when you critical, why do you critical (like how do you know what your chances of criticalling are), and what does your Critical Rating mean? What does it do? It's so confusing!

~Sierra DaisyStaff, Level 51 theurgist.

Jul 23, 2012
you critical more when your critical rating is higher. critical rating is the chance of your damage spells criticaling. critical doubles the damage of a damage spell,

Jan 12, 2012
Criticals are a boost to your attack or heal which makes them much bigger than they would ordinarily be. At level 50, wizard outfits with critical stats become available. Equipping them opens this power to you. The critical rating is low on these items in the beginning, but it increases to much larger numbers as you gain levels and earn more powerful gear, meaning you will critical more often. The short and simple explanation on your question is tough to answer because nobody seems to have a clear idea on exactly how criticals work. The best answer I have seen on this was posted by Colagada in on a similar topic here:


Hope this helps some.

What I'm still wondering is whether it is possible for pet spells to critical. Anyone know?

Jul 03, 2010
X3MeowX3 on Nov 13, 2012 wrote:
I'm a level 51 and I've just recently begun to critical every once in a while. I have no clue how it works, though.
Can someone explain this to me in a simple way? Like, what happens when you critical, why do you critical (like how do you know what your chances of criticalling are), and what does your Critical Rating mean? What does it do? It's so confusing!

~Sierra DaisyStaff, Level 51 theurgist.
At level 50 Diego on Unicorn Way in Wizard City gives a lesson on critical and your first pc of critical gear.

Visit him for this to get the general idea of Critical and learn maybe block is more important.


Mar 27, 2010
Prospector Zeke posted this in the ravenwood commons "The Critical and Block system is an addition to the existing dueling system that allows players to perform Critical Hits on opponents and avoid incoming Critical Hits. This will give players new strategies and defenses in combat and new ways to further build up their Wizard!"

"You'll notice your character sheet has changed a little. Press C to see a new character statistics panel

The two new stats being added to the game are called Critical Hit Rating and Block Rating"

"Critical Hit Rating increase the player's chance of getting a critical hit."
"Block Rating increases the player's chance of avoiding incoming critical hits."
"Players will gain Critical Hit and Block bonuses from equipment."

"The chance for a critical hit or a block is calculated AFTER fizzle and accuracy. When a spell fizzles no calculation for critical hit or block is made."
"Charms, Enchantments, Wards, Manipulations and Globals are not subject to the Block / Critical system. Heals cannot be Blocked, but they can Critical!"

"You will also notice with these Critical and Block Statistics, that the Combat Rating System displays as a numeric value and not a percentage."
"Equipment will have values of "+14 Block Rating" as opposed to the "+1% Block" style of statistic you are accustomed to seeing."

Jan 11, 2012
It's quite simple actually. Once you start getting Critical Rating, you have a chance of a critical hit, which does twice the normal damage. Critical rating, power pip chance, piercing and critical blocking are all a percentage type of thing and the higher you have it, the better your chances. Critical Hits will also stack with traps, blades, etc just like normal damage

May 28, 2009
Criticals will make the offensive spell you just casted to be 100% stronger which means twice it's power with the blades and traps combined.

The chance of getting one depends on the clothing you are using

Feb 19, 2010
Well a critical basically doubles your damage. Your chances of crit depend on your crit rating and its sort of like a percentage, But your rating is not a actual percentage. I have heard people say that for every 4 or 5 rating points is 1 % point but this is not verified for sure.

Jul 10, 2009
lastdaysgunslinger on Nov 15, 2012 wrote:
Well a critical basically doubles your damage. Your chances of crit depend on your crit rating and its sort of like a percentage, But your rating is not a actual percentage. I have heard people say that for every 4 or 5 rating points is 1 % point but this is not verified for sure.
Your right. We can't be sure. I recall Professor Greyrose saying it takes more rating to get 1% of block and critical after lvl 76.

Mar 12, 2011
Wow! Thanks to everyone who replied. This makes criticals make SO much more sense!

Jun 04, 2011
Baennan on Nov 14, 2012 wrote:
Criticals are a boost to your attack or heal which makes them much bigger than they would ordinarily be. At level 50, wizard outfits with critical stats become available. Equipping them opens this power to you. The critical rating is low on these items in the beginning, but it increases to much larger numbers as you gain levels and earn more powerful gear, meaning you will critical more often. The short and simple explanation on your question is tough to answer because nobody seems to have a clear idea on exactly how criticals work. The best answer I have seen on this was posted by Colagada in on a similar topic here:


Hope this helps some.

What I'm still wondering is whether it is possible for pet spells to critical. Anyone know?
lvl 60 fire, and yes, it is possible. I have had several of my helephant pet spells critical wiped him out in a shot... Anyways, criticals are awesome, and i believe the rating is not a percent, but out of five hundred... idk, its odd. Anyways, hope it helps! happy wizarding

Nicholas Shadowforge
Legendary Pyromancer