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Feedback Friday 4-29-16

It's Friday, and time to chat about something new!

Today, let's talk about those new Daily Assignments. It may be a little out of character for a Professor to do assignments, but I'm currently on my second set of 15 days! It's fun to revisit old familiar places, isn't it? Today, I'd like to ask - if you could be sent on different types of daily assignments, what would they be? Would you like to be sent to catch a fish in Zafaria? How about completing a derby match on the Wizard City track? Something else? We want to know what sounds fun!

Have a fabulous Friday and happy weekend!

Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!

“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.” Professor Falmea
Sep 17, 2012
I don't think assignments should include optional side activities like fishing, gardening, derby, pvp. They could include some errands though. Talking to certain characters in the Spiral. Picking up or delivering items to/from various NPC's. Maybe some puzzles to figure out.

Aug 10, 2009

Please please do not make us do derby or pvp! I do not partake in either of those things, and I know many others do not either... The fishing would be fun, but I know many do not fish also..
As a max level, I feel silly going to places like wizard city to defeat a monster.. I don't mind walking into a place to 'check' it out, but to have a max level have to defeat something that we can easily wand is just a waste of time in my humble opinion..

May 07, 2015
Professor Falmea on Apr 29, 2016 wrote:
It's Friday, and time to chat about something new!

Today, let's talk about those new Daily Assignments. It may be a little out of character for a Professor to do assignments, but I'm currently on my second set of 15 days! It's fun to revisit old familiar places, isn't it? Today, I'd like to ask - if you could be sent on different types of daily assignments, what would they be? Would you like to be sent to catch a fish in Zafaria? How about completing a derby match on the Wizard City track? Something else? We want to know what sounds fun!

Have a fabulous Friday and happy weekend!

Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!
I would like to defeat malistaire again because well why not

Miranda jade song level 89 (almost 90) pyromancer

Mar 16, 2012
Professor Falmea on Apr 29, 2016 wrote:
It's Friday, and time to chat about something new!

Today, let's talk about those new Daily Assignments. It may be a little out of character for a Professor to do assignments, but I'm currently on my second set of 15 days! It's fun to revisit old familiar places, isn't it? Today, I'd like to ask - if you could be sent on different types of daily assignments, what would they be? Would you like to be sent to catch a fish in Zafaria? How about completing a derby match on the Wizard City track? Something else? We want to know what sounds fun!

Have a fabulous Friday and happy weekend!

Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!
I'm enjoying the Daily Assignments! I'm looking forward to the furthering of the quest storyline - what's causing the Pekrons? Is someone out to stop us investigating them?
I don't wish to be forced into a pet derby, this has never interested me. Trying to catch a certain fish anywhere sounds frustrating, unless you mean just catch any fish?
Revisiting old places is fun, but I wish there were more variety in assignments - with 6 wizards it gets boring doing the same assignment over & over.
Sabrina Shade

Community Leader
Race a pet, as long as you didn't have to win.
Join a practice PvP match, same as long as you didn't have to win.
Go find one of Zeke items?
Visit a house in housing tours.
Go visit places we have and battles we have

Jul 26, 2014
Jun 19, 2010
So many opportunities to explore though daily assignments:
  • Visit or click on an object somewhere in the game (painting, door, statute, etc...).
  • Meet Gravulum Order Members in different realms
  • Meet, interact with, save, or fight actual Pekrons and Pekuliarities
  • Collect objects to create or allow Pekrons and Pekuliarities objects, gear, housing items, pets, tapestries, etc...
  • Complete daily assignments which reveal future W101 Storylines, quests, plots and more...
  • Exposure to so much Pekrons and Pekuliarities affects the wizard temporarily or permanently
    - After 100 exposures a temporary boost to you or your pets abilities and talents occur (speed, damage blocking, resistance, accuracy increases, etc...). After 500 exposures, a permanent boost to you or your pets abilities and talents occurs (same as above, but permanent affect).
    - you can also be naughty and keep this entirely random with positive or negative affects after so much exposure

Feb 27, 2011
I personally belive that ever since daily assignments left the test realm, you made the gold value go down. It is very useful in Wizard101 and gear in the bazaar is overpriced. Especially some lvl 5-50 gear. I also wish we could get at least 25 crowns per assignment and maybe when it's the holidays maybe the chests can have more Halloween themed items or Christmas Thank you

Mar 13, 2010
Even Ranked Derby or PVP, as long as you didn't need to win.
Go get a Reagent from a specific world.
Go to the "secret shop" in Krok.
Find one of Zeke's "things". (Not one you fight a boss for, more like the Crow in Abbey Road, you just have to look for it.) Not a new quest, just go find a Yardbird in Grizzleheim, a Vanilla Ice in Polaris.

I understand these are supposed to be short, quick, easy, and they are. I think the Rewards are fine. But, I play to have fun - not for gear, I never bothered gear farming before Darkmoor because the places the gear was weren't fun. Now that Darkmoor isn't fun any longer, I'll complete the quest on my two remaining and won't farm *it* either - and there's nothing fun about going through the World Tree to the Oasis and. *bam* getting something.

I want a one sentence dialogue about why the Oasis is my assignment - is something weird there? I want to see the rooftop of a shop whose stairs I never climbed before.

I want these to be playing the game in order to keep doing them on five characters. If I don't find them fun, I won't do them. That's fine, there is (used to be) other fun stuff to do.

Sep 04, 2010
Dec 31, 2009
Here is my 2 cents. I feel there is too great of a disparity with the chest drops, you can get something as useless as a baby carrot or as rare as a spell-defy jewel. Personally I would like to see the rewards more even or at least level appropriate.

The arena ticket amounts, considering they can not be shared among the account, are way too small, if you do not pvp, it will take over 4 months of daily assignments just to purchase one lustrous pip jewel, seems to me they could be increased a bit without hurting anything.

Lastly, way too much rng, I did daily assignments for the first 15 days on 12 wizards, that is 36 chest attempts and I did not get one single rare item. Those odds are just way too slim for me to be bothered.

Dec 15, 2009
Before I list things, I would just make a statement that I would not do the daily assignments for the same rewards we are getting. 10, 15 and 25 crowns are really low for a span of 13 days. Also why not make a quest line on Day 12 instead of completely overwriting it with a gold reward?

New things;

Fishing for a certain fish at a certain place
Play a certain pet game in the Pet Pavilion
Finding a certain reagent on the ground anywhere (Cannot be bought from bazaar)

Apr 07, 2011
Why not just something simple like, playing another game of thane's table so that Aegon Statz can see if the pecrons affect how people behave, or he can have you buy pet snacks to see if the pecrons get into them.

Feb 07, 2010
How about entering pekuliarities so that they can be sealed up. They would be single player instances only visible to those who have an assignment to enter them. Every zone with monsters in it would have at least one predefined location for them to appear at. Inside would be a battle with a random mix of monsters taken from whatever zone the pekuliarity apeared in.

Jun 28, 2014
one of zekes items wouldnt work, that would require having the quest and the world unlocked, plus the people who found all of them

Mar 29, 2012
I think it would be cool if the assignments sent us to fight more bosses. Even dungeons that would be easy for the level we are now, but lower levels might be looking for help with would be cool. (win win) In my opinion, there are enough mob battles in the game already, so that was not interesting at all.

Jul 17, 2012
That was cool that professor Falmea posted her own comment on last Friday's feedback. I like it when the game makers give us some hint about what they have in mind to do. When they do it feels like their actually listening to us.

As for the daily assignments I would like them to be leading up to something. Like have more of an idea what going around testing areas and creatures is going to lead to. It could be interesting to have the daily assignment be clues leading up to something like being given clues that on the 15th day have a surprise. Also would like there to be more variety so you don't have 20 wizards all trying to battle the same monster at the same time. Its kind of frustrating to get to the area that the daily assignment is in and find that you can't battle the creature because all the battle rings are full and there are not any new creatures appearing. Also this daily assignment thing is still buggy. The other night I looked at the assignment thing to see what it had changed to and it was a long string of numbers and not anything that could be done. Something else I would like to see is it have more challenging assignments for high level wizards or maybe just more assignments in higher level worlds. I don't want any assignments that require energy to complete. so no fishing because fishing does not always lead to catching a fish within the amount of energy the wizard has.

One more thing its not out of character for a professor to do daily assignments. Example professors at a university have to learn the new computer programs before they could teach the students to use them. A professor said she spent as much time or even more time then the students studying so she could be current in what she taught. She liked teaching because she could be a student and be paid for it.

Jul 25, 2015
What I find rather odd, was a couple of days ago I got a quest to go to Stone Town in Zafaria, someplace I had never been before or had even achieved getting there, much less being allowed to get there by the game. So if anything, be sure that people are allowed to get to their allotted places before dolling them out to unsuspecting masses. Other than that, I am finding the daily grind to be quite playful. So much more fun than fishing (which is rather a strange chore to add to one of the most popular games--since as most gamers know--the fishing, i.e. Bass Fishing games were major losers in the retail market).

Dec 12, 2015
School-specific daily assignments might be an idea, which would allow you to have thematic dailies. For example you're sent to the Haunted Cave to find a gravestone. This could be used in two ways: one could be that you just get those of your own school, which would strengthen your class identity, one would be that you're getting various different assignments from the different schools, but I'd say that would probably need to involve other NPCs rather than just Statz. I'm a fan of the class identity idea.

I'd definitely say that you need to expand the different types of daily assignments available: looking for a specific item would be good, as would be utilizing fishing, crafting, and possibly gardening (plant a specific seed? Harvesting would take too long, obviously.). As above, pet races and PvP would be a good idea, though I'd be wary of having that come up more than once every week or 2 each, as there's not much variety there to be had.

However, I'd say that however the system is expanded it won't be worthwhile without changing the reward system around a bit, the current rewards are rather lackluster. Gold isn't really a reward for a high-level wizard, though it's useful while levelling, the crown amounts are far too low (I'd probably triple them but add diminishing returns for alternate characters), and the chest is far too random and contains too few useful rewards. Without proper incentives, the system will just be too boring, but of course you need to be wary of making it too high a reward so that people feel they have to do it if they don't enjoy that gameplay.

Back to the topic: I quite enjoy the idea of having to work with other players to do some content for these, so possibly a level-appropriate dungeon would be good? That would help lower the amount of time levellers are waiting to get inside, also.

Apr 14, 2014
How about hatching a pet.

I didn't have many ideas left.

It might be good for people at max gold.

Another bonus about that is that you get two rewards from that type of daily quest.

Catherine Rainbowsong


Jul 23, 2011
This is just my humble opinion. After a while, the daily assignments get kinda...dull. It's very generous to offer prizes for a simple task, but I find myself skipping daily assignments and ignoring them after a while. Perhaps you can raise the crown and arena tickets award amount to make them more worthwhile? I get that it's supposed to be a free daily prize but, in the end, they don't really seem that worth it. The chests are kinda cool, but they kinda lost their appeal after 10 days. And the first 2 days good awards are pretty useless since there are faster and more efficient to earn gold. All I really ask is to raise the awards amount so they seem more worthwhile to do. It wouldn't hurt to give your players bigger prizes as long as it makes them want to do more daily assignments

Mar 16, 2012
Tylerwildpants on Apr 30, 2016 wrote:
So many opportunities to explore though daily assignments:
  • Visit or click on an object somewhere in the game (painting, door, statute, etc...).
  • Meet Gravulum Order Members in different realms
  • Meet, interact with, save, or fight actual Pekrons and Pekuliarities
  • Collect objects to create or allow Pekrons and Pekuliarities objects, gear, housing items, pets, tapestries, etc...
  • Complete daily assignments which reveal future W101 Storylines, quests, plots and more...
  • Exposure to so much Pekrons and Pekuliarities affects the wizard temporarily or permanently
    - After 100 exposures a temporary boost to you or your pets abilities and talents occur (speed, damage blocking, resistance, accuracy increases, etc...). After 500 exposures, a permanent boost to you or your pets abilities and talents occurs (same as above, but permanent affect).
    - you can also be naughty and keep this entirely random with positive or negative affects after so much exposure

This is a cool list, and I especially like the idea of Pekrons affecting our wizards.

Aug 18, 2011
Please keep them simple and short. The popularity of the feature is in part that it's quick and easy to do. If the missions become too involved players will skip them.

Mar 28, 2013
IMO, I would definitely keep them short and sweet! Simple and fun. Different.

I would also say "no" to getting the optional side content involved. The sides should remain just that-optional sides.

The daily assignments should be differentiated from regular quests, or what is the point? People can already do daily quests and often for more reward.

I have already stopped doing them on 6 wizards. I am now just doing them on 1 wizard. It became too repetitive for all 7 wizards to do, and it was taking approx 38-40 mins to log on 4 accounts and get them done on 7 wizards. Add this time to gardening, sorting..............I want fun.

I think the Dailies are a great idea, but I think more out-of-the-box thinking needs to be put into the assignments. There are some good suggestions here, and appreciate the feedback opportunity.

I also felt the rewards were a bit lackluster commensurate with the time involved.