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Story Time April 2014

SparkySywer on May 14, 2014 wrote:
1. Do you plan on using the worlds you have mentioned but not in game?*
2. I understand that J Todd Coleman said there will be no new pips, but the game cannot function much further into the future without them. Do you plan on adding them? If not, why, other than J Todd Coleman said not to? Why did he say this?

*The worlds are:
Kent, Darkmoor, Nodor, Polaris, Penguinonia (Even though Polaris and Penguinonia share similar features), Mirage, Skull Island, Valencia, Monquista, El Dorado, Gobblerton, Candyland, Empyrea, Yago
1. We have grand and ambitious plans. That said, I'm not sure Penguinonia is a real place. ;) And some of those are more Pirate-y than Wizard-y. We'll visit when the story takes us there, but we won't force it. And some places that are mentioned in interviews or on forums or whatever, but not in game, are more fluid.

2. That's a Cyrus question, really.

Oct 11, 2013
Hi king, big fan

1. Will the death school ever go back to ravenwood?
2. what is behind the books in headmaster ambroses office?


Brandon Storyrunner Level 51 Balance/Ice

Jun 11, 2010
King Artorius on Apr 28, 2014 wrote:
"And so it begins..."

Now that the final chapter of Khrysalis is live for the world, I thought it would be a great time to reopen the story-thread.

As before, a few ground rules:

First, please try to limit your post to one or two questions. That makes it easier for me to answer.

Second, I don't answer questions about Game Mechanics, Schedule, or Bugs. Not my department. :)

Third, there are some big questions left open throughout Wizard, and in the latter chapters in particular. You may ask about them, but you can expect a Blind Mew like reply: "That would be telling." ;)

With that said, ask away!

Jesse "King Artorius" Scoble
What is going to be the next world after Khrysalis? I think it would be cool if it was on Earth & our characters got to meet their parents after magic is unleashed upon the unmagical Earth. Sophia Goldenleaf

Sep 01, 2008
Old Cob. Can you divulge anything about this antagonistic arachnid? Third arc? Whutwhut?

Feb 23, 2013
abdulrahman1995 on Apr 28, 2014 wrote:
1.After we defeat morganth's sisters where does morganthe goes
It wasn't morganthes sisters we fought, it was actually her... she had 4 different forms, and a final form, which is the big thing in the back behind the battle... after every form of morganthe that you kill, it damages the final form, so that when you kill all her forms, the final form is defeated, well sort of...

Ethan Goldflame Lvl 100 pyromancer

Apr 21, 2012
What kind of shampoo do you use? Do you get that annoying 'crown ring' that wont comb out?

Brandon Storyrunne... on May 15, 2014 wrote:
Hi king, big fan

1. Will the death school ever go back to ravenwood?
2. what is behind the books in headmaster ambroses office?


Brandon Storyrunner Level 51 Balance/Ice
1. Dworgyn sort of likes it down there.

2. That would be telling.

Justin Firethief on May 14, 2014 wrote:
Hello King Artorius again, since you didn't answer my previous questions, but it's ok nothing to worry about!
I got some extra though!

1. Morganthe brought down the meteor Xibalba into to the ground, though it became a black hole and other fragments were falling, didn't the meteor crash and completely destroyed the world?

2. If I understood, Morganthe locked old Cob in the Black Hole, though he said he was locked there for ages?

3. When we enter the third Morganthe's chamber of the mind, we find out how the spider Magi decide to capture her, she wasn't bad at the moment was she? Because she says "This isn't going to be good"

Thanks King!
1. Became a black hole? I'm not sure what you mean by that. It basically smashed into Azteca and is in the process of destroying it (forever) as we speak.

2. Morganthe has been on Khrysalis for a long time, but you might need to hear the story again.

3. Was she bad then? She had done bad things in her life by that point. But she certainly never thought of herself as the villain of the story.

Mar 08, 2009
Will we ever see new primary schools enter the game?

Aug 30, 2009
2) The giant and dragon in the ice house, are the petrified and under Bartelby's spell or are the stone statues?

3) When Bartelby sang into creation his children, the Titans, did he sing just one dragon (grandmother of dragons), one giant (Ymir), and one storm titan (unknown) who the proceeded to procreate by whatever means or did he sing and a whole mess of Titans where born.

4) All the creatures of the spiral, did Bartelby sing them into being, where the created by the Titans or by the Great Creator. That includes the monsters we summon e.g. colossus, stormzilla, etc (please specify)

5) Lastly during the war of the Titans, was it just the original Titans fighting, or was it the whole lot of them, or was it the Titans and their monster servants such as colossus, stormzilla and the rest. (cant really answer this till you answer the others lol) I mean I know the Titans were powerful but for the whole first world to have been destroyed by just three beings dang!

Mar 14, 2009
First things first love your card definitely my favorite and love your character especially the design with you having the whole giant humanoid bear with a little bit of lion mixed in there.

1. Will there ever be a P101/W101 crossover where Kane has created a battalion of wizard armada soldiers to destroy a world?

2. Will there be an expansion of Aquila to keep up with the ever expanding strength the wizards, like where the door where the giant hydra is?

3. Will we ever get the chance to learn more spells in our secondary schools because for wizards like me our powerful enemies only get tickled by the 6 pip cards that we send on them?

P.S. I know what you are going to say about the hydra "that would be telling" but hey worth a shot.

Mar 19, 2009
King Artorius on May 14, 2014 wrote:
1. We have grand and ambitious plans. That said, I'm not sure Penguinonia is a real place. ;) And some of those are more Pirate-y than Wizard-y. We'll visit when the story takes us there, but we won't force it. And some places that are mentioned in interviews or on forums or whatever, but not in game, are more fluid.

2. That's a Cyrus question, really.
Penguinonia was referenced by Kingsisle after the release of Zafaria as a cruel joke, to another employee, even though I, too, doubt it's a real place.

May 02, 2009
Hello again, oh, great King Artorius.

Recently the topic surrounding the Firecat Alley NPC named Gretta Darkkettle surfaced over on wizard101central.com (http://www.wizard101central.com/forums/showthread.php?409126-Question-about-the-storyline), and I'd figured that I'd ask for everyone there what's the whole story behind her? Some say that she got kicked out of ravenwood for constantly being so suspicious about Malistaire Drake, but if we could know the full/whole story surrounding her (or at the very least a part of it anyways), then that would be great, thanks.

Thanks in advance.

Mar 12, 2012
Hey King Art, back again, and I'm hoping you'll answer some of my questions!

1. Shadow magic, it appears, is in much more forms, as Morganthe has corrupted normal astral schools with such magic, but does that mean shadow magic has a more powerful form? One that isn't influenced by astral magic?

2. Why didn't we learn shadow/star magic at radiance reborn? The supposed place of star magic?

Oct 23, 2011
Hi! It's me again. Sorry, I just have so many questions! Also, about the cutscenes, my favorite is probably when we meet old cob

1.Where does the spiral get light from? There doesn't appear to be a sun.

2. How much time passed from when we first enrolled in Ravenwood to when we defeated Morganthe?

Jan 07, 2013
Okay, so I have this theory about Bartleby's missing eye that I'd like you to have a say in (this contains spoilers to fellow wizards):

Malistaire was convinced by Old Cob (perhaps through telepathy) to steal Bartleby's Eye of History as
as a means to throw us off his scent. It's apparent to me that we let him out of the prison Grandmother Raven put him in while in Khrysalis. Could he have told Malistaire to steal the eye so we couldn't ask Bartleby who Grandfather Spider was? If we knew who he was I doubt that we'd willingly let him out of the dungeon. The creatures he releases at the end suggest that they are the Shadow things he created while sleeping. His Arachna eyes at the end of Khrysalis further validate that he is Grandfather Spider. Please reply, as this is the first theory I've ever made about the game that makes any sort of sense.

Aug 23, 2010
King Artorius on Apr 28, 2014 wrote:
"And so it begins..."

Now that the final chapter of Khrysalis is live for the world, I thought it would be a great time to reopen the story-thread.

As before, a few ground rules:

First, please try to limit your post to one or two questions. That makes it easier for me to answer.

Second, I don't answer questions about Game Mechanics, Schedule, or Bugs. Not my department. :)

Third, there are some big questions left open throughout Wizard, and in the latter chapters in particular. You may ask about them, but you can expect a Blind Mew like reply: "That would be telling." ;)

With that said, ask away!

Jesse "King Artorius" Scoble
Brooke DragonRider on May 23, 2014 wrote:

King Artorius,

What is the most popular word and why

Brooke DragonRider wizard, level 75.

Aug 23, 2010
King Artorius on Apr 28, 2014 wrote:
"And so it begins..."

Now that the final chapter of Khrysalis is live for the world, I thought it would be a great time to reopen the story-thread.

As before, a few ground rules:

First, please try to limit your post to one or two questions. That makes it easier for me to answer.

Second, I don't answer questions about Game Mechanics, Schedule, or Bugs. Not my department. :)

Third, there are some big questions left open throughout Wizard, and in the latter chapters in particular. You may ask about them, but you can expect a Blind Mew like reply: "That would be telling." ;)

With that said, ask away!

Jesse "King Artorius" Scoble
Re story time:

Will Bartleby's other eye ever return to him I mean most of us already did defeat Malistaire right?

Brooke DragonRider, wizard level 100

Aug 14, 2012
average moe on Apr 28, 2014 wrote:
1. In the speech where Old Cob reveals that he's evil he tells his children to go to Mirage, Polaris, and Empyria. It seems apparent that those will be worlds in his story arch but he also mentions the Broken Shores and Hidden Lands, are those also worlds?

2. Given the nature of Old Cob as a villain, will the new arch be having more "fun" with the shadow weaver enemies?
I think Broken Shores and Hidden Lands are areas.

Emily Summersinger

Aug 14, 2012
Cunning Finnigan S... on Apr 28, 2014 wrote:
Hello, King Artorius! Nice to see you again and glad you could take some time to answer our questions. I had just a few to ask of you:

But first, a complement: I really liked what you guys did with the 1st and 2nd arc. The 2 arcs connect well together, because the 1st just gives you a presentation of Ravenwood, but the 2nd then adds in those "behind the secret door" lore bits, with Morganthe's Arc revealing the Council of Light, Astral Magic, Shadow Magic, the creation of Ravenwood and origins of Ambrose, and finally at the end, Grandfather Spider. I always had a hunch that the 2nd and 3rd Arc were going to corellate and it would appear the 3rd arc will go more in depth with the beginning of the Spiral, the Titans, and the lives of Grandmother Raven, Bartleby, and Grandfather Spider. I'm very excited!

1. I'm not convinced that Morganthe and Malistaire are officially out of the picture and there's still missing info on Malistaire's return. It appears that they've both left on a note that could possible mean they're coming back. Do you have any plans to just end-end their presence and put them to rest?

2. I was wondering, now that the 2nd arc is done, do you have any plans to create new side worlds similar to the whole Dragonspyre-Grizzlehiem instance? As in, do you plan to make a large side world that has it's own stand-alone story and could be expanded on? I'd really like the Spiral Door to Gobblerton to finally open up.

3. Could you possibly explain the connection between Khrysalis, Zafaria, and Celestia? My problem is that Morganthe became Queen in Khrysalis, but a some point ruled Zafaria for a time. Inyanga did say Zafaria was once the Shadow Queen's old place of reign. Then Celestia some how ends up the target of her schemes because her Prophecy calls for Astral Magic, but as we learn in Khrysalis, Morganthe doesn't even like Astral magic. Could you please touch up on this? How did she get to Zafaria from Khrysalis and why cause so much war in Celestia?
Maybe Morganthe lived in Zafaria after she was kicked out of Ravenwood but before she ruled Khrysalis.

Emily Summersinger

XxMoonMasteryxX on May 15, 2014 wrote:
Will we ever see new primary schools enter the game?
Probably not, but I hate to say "never," so... maybe? :)

Master of Magic on May 15, 2014 wrote:
2) The giant and dragon in the ice house, are the petrified and under Bartelby's spell or are the stone statues?

3) When Bartelby sang into creation his children, the Titans, did he sing just one dragon (grandmother of dragons), one giant (Ymir), and one storm titan (unknown) who the proceeded to procreate by whatever means or did he sing and a whole mess of Titans where born.

4) All the creatures of the spiral, did Bartelby sing them into being, where the created by the Titans or by the Great Creator. That includes the monsters we summon e.g. colossus, stormzilla, etc (please specify)

5) Lastly during the war of the Titans, was it just the original Titans fighting, or was it the whole lot of them, or was it the Titans and their monster servants such as colossus, stormzilla and the rest. (cant really answer this till you answer the others lol) I mean I know the Titans were powerful but for the whole first world to have been destroyed by just three beings dang!
2) Statues. We think.

3) When we say "the Titans," we mean one of each (three, total).

4) It was so long ago, it's hard to remember exactly who created what. And some people remember it differently.

5) The three Titans are IMMENSELY powerful. But perhaps we'll get to explore the breaking of the First World in greater detail some day.

King of Dragons on May 16, 2014 wrote:
First things first love your card definitely my favorite and love your character especially the design with you having the whole giant humanoid bear with a little bit of lion mixed in there.

1. Will there ever be a P101/W101 crossover where Kane has created a battalion of wizard armada soldiers to destroy a world?

2. Will there be an expansion of Aquila to keep up with the ever expanding strength the wizards, like where the door where the giant hydra is?

3. Will we ever get the chance to learn more spells in our secondary schools because for wizards like me our powerful enemies only get tickled by the 6 pip cards that we send on them?

P.S. I know what you are going to say about the hydra "that would be telling" but hey worth a shot.
1. That would be telling.

2. Well, that door does have to lead somewhere.

3. That's a design question.

Feb 19, 2010
In the magi's house with the archmagus loricai (sorry don't know how to spell the name) When we entered his place with old cob he was all like: ''who is this that accompanies you? no it cannot be! destroy the wizard! '' when he saw old cob. He knew old cob, and that he was a huge threat right?

Jul 03, 2012
King Artorius on May 9, 2014 wrote:
1. You mean helpful Accompanying characters like Dyvim WhiteHart? It's too good a tool/feature not to use again. The trick is to do it sparingly.

2. We are always working away at new stories.

3. I'm researching snails today.
Researching snails? that tells us everything! The new world involves snails! I I I I think.........