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Upgraded Gear and Astral spells

Jun 30, 2009
KI, many wizards besides myself are wondering when an upgrade to Waterworks gear is coming online with critical, resist, pierce and power pips that has universal stats. I have gotten the hat for myself, even though I have had only 2 wizards that have earned the badge.

One other thing: for the astral spells, in the next world gonna give better percentages for he sun spells? Could a transmute turquoise be made? I was thinking about maybe 25 scales and fish fins each, with about 10 fossils and a primordial tc that allows 5 turquoise to be made?

Timothy Pearlflower, L90

Feb 05, 2011
Ok, so I was going through my bank in Wizard 101 today, and I found my level 40 clothing. I am level 59. Life FYI: This idea is only for Crowns only clothing. Anyway, I found my Super Bundle clothing that was level 40. It had no Critical Ratings! It didn't have super good stats either! Then, I got an amazing idea! What if you could update your "Crowns Only" clothing? Ok, so what I mean is this:
Let's say that I am level 60. I have my hat that is level 40. I update it, so that my hat is now level 60 and it gives me better stats! Isn't that cool?!? But, to update your clothing, you will have to pay 1000 Gold. You can only update clothing that is Crowns Only. You can only update hats, cloaks, boots, and weapons.
Tell me if you like this idea! If you are confused, have any questions or ideas, please tell me! Thanks!

Jared Shadowbreaker Level 59 Life
"Master of Nature"

May 13, 2011
Great idea! I did post about this before, but i dont think it ever came up. But it need to more expensive than 1000 gold. It should be 5000- 10000. I know its a bit high, but think. Crowns gear is usually REALLY good for the level you get it for. To make it better, it should be more expensive. Just my thought.

Dec 03, 2012
Jared Shadowbreake... on Jul 17, 2013 wrote:
Ok, so I was going through my bank in Wizard 101 today, and I found my level 40 clothing. I am level 59. Life FYI: This idea is only for Crowns only clothing. Anyway, I found my Super Bundle clothing that was level 40. It had no Critical Ratings! It didn't have super good stats either! Then, I got an amazing idea! What if you could update your "Crowns Only" clothing? Ok, so what I mean is this:
Let's say that I am level 60. I have my hat that is level 40. I update it, so that my hat is now level 60 and it gives me better stats! Isn't that cool?!? But, to update your clothing, you will have to pay 1000 Gold. You can only update clothing that is Crowns Only. You can only update hats, cloaks, boots, and weapons.
Tell me if you like this idea! If you are confused, have any questions or ideas, please tell me! Thanks!

Jared Shadowbreaker Level 59 Life
"Master of Nature"
Great idea!!!!

Feb 05, 2011
Thanks! Yeah. I agree. It should be at least 5000 gold. I also think it should be more expensive the higher level you are.

Jared Shadowbreaker Level 61
I just unlocked Zafaria! Yay!

Jun 30, 2009
Thanks to everyone that went off-topic in this conversation. How does stitching clothing of lower levels for 1000-5000 gold contribute to the request of KI upgrading the clothing so that the crit damage/hit, stun, pierce and pips help.

Let alone, the request of the next world upgrading the sun spells (Sharpened Blade, Primordial and the one that adds 10% damage) to traps? Or the suggestion of how a Transmute Turquoise could be done?

Timothy Pearlflower, L90

Feb 05, 2011
Sorry about that! Those sound like great ideas!

Jared Shadowbreaker level 61

Jun 30, 2009
Its ok, Jared. I would advise you to take your time if you are in Celestia or Zafaria. Avalon can be maddening, especially when you get to Ghost Avalon, and it is possible to become insane with Azteca.

I can understand wanting to see what comes next and all (I am like that myself), but if you hurry through the worlds to Avalon and Azteca, you might hate yourself for pushing and overcoming areas too early.

Best suggestions if you solo the game, is to collect your badges, train you pet(s), and check your gardens to see if your plants are glowing blue for the best results (and new seeds); if you are having major difficulties and your friends are unavailable.

Timothy Pearflower, L90

Feb 05, 2011
I'm working on Zamunda in Zafaria. Thanks for the tips! I did Waterworks yesterday, did the quest, got the badge, but no clothing? I have heard it is random if you get the clothing. I was so frustrated! Question: I know there is a Waterworks hat, robe, boots, and amulet. Is there a Waterworks weapon? Or a ring? And also, if you get the gear, does it give you your school? Just questions I had about Waterworks! I know, I'm off topic!

Jun 30, 2009
Jared Shadowbreake... on Jul 27, 2013 wrote:
I'm working on Zamunda in Zafaria. Thanks for the tips! I did Waterworks yesterday, did the quest, got the badge, but no clothing? I have heard it is random if you get the clothing. I was so frustrated! Question: I know there is a Waterworks hat, robe, boots, and amulet. Is there a Waterworks weapon? Or a ring? And also, if you get the gear, does it give you your school? Just questions I had about Waterworks! I know, I'm off topic!
Concerning Waterworks, the crazy squid drops the hat, and the dungeon boss at the end and one minion drop the robe and boots, but you usually have to be in the first spot to receive them that are school specific. The ring and sword can possibly be found in the Helephant on Pegasus Place in Wysteria.

Timothy Pearlflower, L90

Feb 05, 2011