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Help With Drops in Tartarus

Jun 16, 2013
My wizard (level 100) has done Tartarus over 60 times in hopes for Hades' Armor of Torment. I haven't got it yet. What am I doing wrong? It there something else I need to do to ensure the robe? My strategy is to feint Hades for teammates and blades teammates. I rarely do damage to Hades. Will doing damage help my chance of getting that robe? If it does, what else does? Please give me ideas of what could increase drop rates. I'll tell you what I have heard so far. Please help out by telling which are true and which aren't. If you believe one is true, please tell me why you believe it. Okay, so I've heard the following: Killing Hades within the first five rounds, Having Poseidon be first () in battle and Hades second (), Personally doing damage to Hades, Personally doing the most damage to Hades, Personally attacking Hades first, and Personally killing Hades. Please tell me if I missed any, which are wrong, which are right, and why the ones that are right, are right. I've been working my butt off for this robe and I would love it if I could get it. There just one problem: he won't give! Please help me out by informing me what could help my chances of getting that last piece of my Waterworks Upgrade Set. Everything helps . Thank you!

Aug 26, 2012
Drops are random I know that it is all luck. I had a hard time getting boots but I kept farming and I got them keep trying. Btw good strategy but you might wanna have attacks though.

Jun 16, 2013
Thanks, letsparty59! I had a friend that has gotten the robe four times, and did little attacks all four times. I thought that meant it raises the chances. Guess not . I have now done Tartarus exactly 70 times! Nothing. Anyways, thank you so much for replying. For now on I will have lots of blades, feints, and a few Avenging Fossils in my deck for Hades battle. Thanks!

P.S. Now I want Hades' Waterworks Upgrade Robe (the one I have wanted), but also I want the normal Hades' Robe and Boots . It's going to be a hard road but I'll keep driving.

Aug 26, 2012
May 09, 2010
40+ times in tartarus only got the Hades' helm of justice, and about 20 wands. All I want is the robe but it seems everyone and I mean everyone! has it but me. I don't get why the gear drop rate can't be as high as the wand...