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[Guide] The Glory of Self Hatching

Oct 15, 2010
Some people just don't want to hatch. That's okay. But if you have two pets that have talents somebody might want, the thing you have to do is self-hatch. Here are some tips and how-tos.

-Enter the hatchery and step on a single sigil.Choose using the arrows at the top of the screen which pets you want to mix. Select "Hatch!" at the bottom when you picked the ones you want. If you don't have enough gold, try farming Halfang or another boss.

-Make sure you got the pet (and possibly talents) that you want before it hatches. Usually, while pets are still eggs you can check what pet they are by looking at what card they give or the hatch time. Talents can be determined by the rarity of the slots, but this doesn't always work. This guide on Central is pretty helpful.

-Purreau's Potion #9 is very helpful. If you don't get the pet or talents (remember you can't always tell on the talents) that you want, you can hatch again if you have accumulated enough gold. It costs 400 Crowns.

-Only train to Adult if you had two talents that you wanted. If you were mixing two pets that each had a talent you wanted, only train the produced pet to a maximum of Adult. If the talent you get at teen isn't the one you want, I would stop there and try again. If you do get both the talents you want at adult, you might be ready to throw another talent in from a different pet or hatch with someone else!

Footnote 1: Another good guide on Central. Is here! Also, click here for all of the pet guides on Wizard101 Central.

Footnote 2: If you need to know anything else or have questions, please ask!