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Derby Stories

Jun 25, 2012
So one day I was messing around in the pet pavilion, when I decided to do some practice derbies. One after one I kept coming in first with ease, when I noticed in one race an ancient earth elemental looking pet, (Could anyone please name it for me? lol ) and I decided to give myself a challenge. Me and the ancient pet were racing each other hard, and the other pet tried its best to slow me down, but good ol' Spiffy-Pop could always teleport me to him . When the race finished, I came in second, but only half a second or so behind the other pet. When the rest of the pets finished and I exited the thing, I was lucky I forgot to put on my mount, because the person with the other pet saw my pet and friended me. Apparently Spiffy-Pop is a really good talent . So we talked a little about our pets and parted our ways. He was a really good friend .

You guys share your derby stories about unexpected or exciting stuff happening in the derby.

Matthew Ironblood, lvl. 50