Hi! I am a Master Diviner level 46 (about to be level 47). So far I have had trouble lately with getting some good pets for pvp. Some talents I am looking for is Spritely, Spell-Proof, and Spell-Defy. So far I have a few pets, Stegosaurus; currently learned pierce train at teen, Meow-Wing; have not trained yet due to not knowing of stats. I also have a Scorpion, and that's it. Both Stegosaurus, and Meow-Wing are Myth. My Scorpion pet is Balance.
Do I have pets good enough for the talents I am looking for?
Your pets are good but another good thing for a pvp pet is the card the pet gives. A really good pet i would recommend is the ladybug pet. It gives a uniconr spell and also i think it learns may cast pixie.It really depends on what you would prefer on the pet and if the person would be willing to hatch for it.
Thanks. I have seen people around with a ladybug pet, I managed to add one of them and they said that they are willing to hatch with me. Now all I need to do is train my pet to adult.
The fairy friend talent is a must have for pvp now. Spritely is also nice. Proof is good, Any may casts are usually good seeing how its a free spell like tower shield, pierce, or a dmg spell, blades.
Indeed those are nice and a must-have for pvp, now for the may casts they are must haves too. Especially unicorn for 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4. I like to fight with a team a little better. It just makes it easier to make the win, unless you're put in a team full of low levels and you're the highest level there.