Hi! I am a Fire wizard in Dragonspyre and I must fight a Fire Boss. I don't know what to do! It is so hard to fight the same school. I try using the spell to change the spell to the opposite school but they use Ice Shields and it gets so annoying. Plus I have a lot of attack fire spells. If I use them thay will resist it like crazy! Say I used the Pheonix, let's say it did 500 damage. To a fire boss, it'll do like 100! Or less! Do you have any tips for fighting enemies that are in my school? Please?
Hi! I am a Fire wizard in Dragonspyre and I must fight a Fire Boss. I don't know what to do! It is so hard to fight the same school. I try using the spell to change the spell to the opposite school but they use Ice Shields and it gets so annoying. Plus I have a lot of attack fire spells. If I use them thay will resist it like crazy! Say I used the Pheonix, let's say it did 500 damage. To a fire boss, it'll do like 100! Or less! Do you have any tips for fighting enemies that are in my school? Please?
Buy an Ice wand. This will get rid of the ice shield and you can use your prism. And don't forget about your secondary school. Use those spells as well. It's always a challenge to battle your own school's bosses, but it can be done. :)