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Nidavellir: What's the Point?

Jun 08, 2012
So, this is a question that's been on my mind a lot lately. Midway through GH, you get the quest to fight Jotun, and this gives access to dungeons in Nidavellir. With that said, there are three dungeons, but only one has actual quests in it. So my question is, what's the point in making the other two. I get the Norse mythology references and everything, but it just seems like there's so much potential waiting to be fulfilled. Are there quests for the places besides the Hall of Valor? If not, I feel like that'd be an area that could use some update-love, because it's always just seemed unfinished. Who knows, maybe it's just meant to be a unique addition to Grizzleheim.
Thanks for reading

Jul 18, 2009
You can defeat the bosses in the two other dungeons before going in the main one so that you don't have to fight a triple boss battle.