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More words please.

Feb 29, 2012
I my self talk very strange i use random vocabulary and i feel it should be easier to express yourself with words. I feel in text chat you should be allowed to say more words. I know wizard101 has a very large dictionary of the words which we can use but still i'd love to see its dictionary expanding more and more as more words are made yearly i assume. I also have something to say about titles and words bosses and enemies use that we can't say such as: sugar, brea, pitch, and so on.

Feb 29, 2012
Potato Tomato on Jun 8, 2013 wrote:
I my self talk very strange i use random vocabulary and i feel it should be easier to express yourself with words. I feel in text chat you should be allowed to say more words. I know wizard101 has a very large dictionary of the words which we can use but still i'd love to see its dictionary expanding more and more as more words are made yearly i assume. I also have something to say about titles and words bosses and enemies use that we can't say such as: sugar, brea, pitch, and so on.
Oh and for those people reading this comment section or what its called ( it slipped my mind ) feel free to add more words to the list and i got a few more now: vice, repent, and inhance ( if thats how you spell it ).

Jul 28, 2011
We need to be able to say:


I don't see anything wrong with those. I will probably post again for more.

Sep 24, 2011
I think we should be able to say boo hoo, and icecream

Feb 29, 2012
contrary, proton, blarg, blorg, schizophrenic, schizophrenia, psycho.

Apr 11, 2012
Hey guys,

Just a reminder, for you Wizards out there, Kingsisle blocks some words for a reason even if we, as players, don't agree that these words should be blocked.

Miranda Thundergem

Feb 29, 2012
May 29, 2009
In mirror lake i think (I'm not sure) there is a part where you gotta feed these two guys with a stew. Im was asking my friends where the ingredients were, but I couldn't say any of them. I think you should add foods to the dictionary. Otherwise, I see nothing wrong with the one right now except for that the combos to swear around the filter need to be taken off.

Anthony Ashcatcher lv76
"Don't fight fire with fire, unless you have a convert"

Mar 12, 2013
That's winterbane, not mirror lake

I do agree some common words need to be added. And menu chat should have more functionality - an auto complete so that when you want to say something specific to a menu chatter, you can type keywords and it will try to match the best menu option.

For instance, if I am in waterworks with a menu chatter, it's currently nearly impossible to say "don't cast blades during trap rounds" or "don't use single target hits on Luska unless you're inked". These options and similar strategic messages need to be added to menu chat.

And as for auto complete, try finding the correct menu item when the spell clock is running down and someone is casting something potentially disastrous. Often your combat menu choices don't let you intervene in time to prevent chaos. Text-to-menu best-fit auto complete would let you communicate with your team in the nick of time.

And some mob names are filtered: I can talk about Jotun, but I can't talk about Othin Stormfather.

@Potato: They won't add schizophrenia because discussion of mental disorders has no place in an online family-oriented wizard game. There's a reason for that. If you stop to think about it, you will come to realize why that is, and hopefully continue to enjoy the game without being able to discuss highly personal and private matters in the Commons.

Jul 28, 2011
I have noticed we can't say many plural things

People put "is" on the end of something like: "camel is" instead of "camels"

Oct 21, 2010
When my friend asked me where I was (I was in Tierra de Brea) I couldn't say de. I don't know why. I told her I was in Tierra Brea and she said that wasn't an area, and I couldn't tell her where i was.
You also cant say butter.

-See Ya In The Spiral!!

Julia DragonLeaf

Feb 29, 2012
crunkatog on Jun 15, 2013 wrote:
That's winterbane, not mirror lake

I do agree some common words need to be added. And menu chat should have more functionality - an auto complete so that when you want to say something specific to a menu chatter, you can type keywords and it will try to match the best menu option.

For instance, if I am in waterworks with a menu chatter, it's currently nearly impossible to say "don't cast blades during trap rounds" or "don't use single target hits on Luska unless you're inked". These options and similar strategic messages need to be added to menu chat.

And as for auto complete, try finding the correct menu item when the spell clock is running down and someone is casting something potentially disastrous. Often your combat menu choices don't let you intervene in time to prevent chaos. Text-to-menu best-fit auto complete would let you communicate with your team in the nick of time.

And some mob names are filtered: I can talk about Jotun, but I can't talk about Othin Stormfather.

@Potato: They won't add schizophrenia because discussion of mental disorders has no place in an online family-oriented wizard game. There's a reason for that. If you stop to think about it, you will come to realize why that is, and hopefully continue to enjoy the game without being able to discuss highly personal and private matters in the Commons.
I don't know why I said that I just wrote down any word I heard and well I heard that word a lot that day and yeah so my bad but still i'd like to use it kind of as a joke on w101.