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Long, not hard.

May 17, 2009
It occurs to me that some of my friends stop playing when they reach worlds like Dragonspyre or Celestia. They claim that its too hard and they dont have friends on at all. The truth is that worlds like this are just long and somethimes boring. To me DS isnt much of a hard task, but it seems very long at times. The only hard part, in my opinion, is when your soloing a boss like malistaire. The rest of the world you take at kind of a slow aproach, as I am doing on my Ice. It is easy to solo a world, if you work at the right speed and strategy. Worlds before DS took me 3 days to complete, solo. But Dragonspyre I am taking at a slower approach, instead of going all out attack. Dragonspyre is not hard all the time, only in certain parts, and very long when you drag out every task. I am 3 days into Dragonspyre and at the Plaza of Conquests, and still soloing. I'm level 40 too, so I know I shouldnt be speeding through the world. In conclusion of all my random rumbling, Dragonspyre is only long at times, not hard.

May 17, 2012