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So many Dungeons

May 22, 2009
Why are there like 10 dungeons in Krokotopia(exagerated) I already did Throne room of fire, Vault of Ice and Emperors Retreat, and now I got to do like 2 more, Kaharan Barracks and another one. If anyone sees me can you help with them? Thanks, my Name is "Seth Stalker" and my badge is "Order of the Fang" My clother are brown and red and I have a pet Krok. I am level 25.

Dec 27, 2008
I know ive done like 2 dungens :( I HATE THOSE DUNGENS I CANT GET OUT OF KROKTOPIA .SO i stoped playing and started plaing something else If someone could help plz find me im called jasmine thundersword PLZ HELP

May 02, 2009
to get out of krokotopia go in the building across from the pyramid of sun
and walk up to the world gate andgo where you want to go

Try to stay on the main quest line to advance to the next world more quickly. When you arrive in Krokotopia on a particular quest, just keep doing the next quest offered when you finish that one. You can take "side quests" from other people but if you avoid working on them and just focus on the main quest line you'll get access to the next world more quickly. And then you'll have quests you can do in both Marleybone and Krokotopia so if you get tired of Marleybone you can take a break and finish off the side quests from Krokotopia. More variety! :)