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War Oni still casting above his pip count

Mar 17, 2009
Fought the War Oni with a friend today and he was casting absorb shields with only one pip and he did a helephant with only one pip. Thought they were supposed to abide by the pip rules like us.

Jan 07, 2009
LeaWildcat wrote:
Fought the War Oni with a friend today and he was casting absorb shields with only one pip and he did a helephant with only one pip. Thought they were supposed to abide by the pip rules like us.

he didn't hit me with that but did throw absorb up 4 times, PLUS hit us with sand storm AND blizzard, so someone want to explain this? all the time he had at most 3 pips, I know blizzard can if one one a power pips but come on he's WAY outta wack!