Thank you for putting the treasure cards back into the Library. I do have to ask what the reasoning behind the huge uplift in cost for the cards is. If the intention for crafting was to add to the game, I have to say, it fell way short of the mark. It has almost become a requirement to have wizards of various schools who can all craft at the levels needed for the cards. I can understand having people craft equipment for good stuff (not that i have seen anything decent in the recipe dealers).
The Life Fairy was 50 or 150 gold and it is now 1600 gold. Is this a mistake? The new price of the cards is a little bit exorbaniate for those of us who really don't want to have to create cards just to survive a fight or have to create a new wizard to create the cards for us.
Thanks for listening. I hope you bring down the cost of the treasure cards to a more manageable level.
Everybody gets the Pixie spell, anyway. Any wizard can have up to four of them in their regular deck. And if you need more healing than that, then you should have thought about choosing life for your second (or third) school, and trained yourself up to Satyr and/or Sprite. Then if you need healing treasures, you can go off with a pile of Keen Eyes and build enchanted Satyr's/Sprites to your heart's content.
I like that some of these cards are so much more expensive! I think a lot of wizards thought they could get away with the easy (and boring) path of ignoring learning any healing spells just so they could go with the same-old, same-old training path of Death-to-Feint, Ice-to-Tower, blah blah blah [yawn] ...
When you decide what wizard you want to be, it should be understood that you can't be all things to all kinds of magic. Different kinds of wizards are going to be good (or not so good) at different kinds of things.
The ridiculous explosion in the population of treasure cards completely changed this; why worry about the drawbacks of your school, when there's always a cheap treasure card out there to make up for it? And while this may make it easier for some players to get what they want, it also deadened the gameplay quite a bit.