Can anyone assist me in turning the dungeon warning back on. I accidently clicked on the box that shut it off and cannot find anywhere to turn it on. Then I tried the contact tech support and the catagory box wouldn't work so thought I would try here.
Thank you for assistance. I would like to know when I am going into a dungeon and what the time needed to complete is.
We do have a temporary way for our players to re-enable these prompts, but it takes a little work.
Find the following file:
C:\Program Files\KingsIsle Entertainment\Wizard101\Bin\preferences.xml (this location may vary with Vista)
Save a copy of this file before you make any changes!
About half way down you will see the following text: <GameSettings> <RECORD> <QuestHelperEnabled TYPE="INT">1</QuestHelperEnabled> <ShowPVPTitle TYPE="INT">1</ShowPVPTitle> <DungeonPrompt TYPE="INT">1</DungeonPrompt> </RECORD> </GameSettings>
Notice the line: <DungeonPrompt TYPE="INT">1</DungeonPrompt>
If you want to hide the Dungeon Prompt, set this value to 1 If you want to show the Dungeon Prompt, set this value to 0
Save the file with the changes. Next time you log in to Wizard101 and approach a Dungeon, you will once again see the prompt telling you how long this Dungeon will take to complete.
We do have a fix in the works, but until that is implemented, this is how our players can once again enable the Dungeon Warnings.